Rise and Shine!
You wake up for another terrific day of life, but oh no! You feel like you didn’t sleep at all! You pull yourself out of bed and close pin your eyeballs open. Time to start your day. Or maybe you wake up well rested and are happily going through your day, when BAM! That dreadful wall hits you...You find yourself desperately searching for a place to get coffee or somewhere to take a quick nap. I find myself in this situation A LOT. I’m a full time college student who is just trying to get her degree. When my day is full from 8AM to 8PM everyday I can get a little worn out. I have to avoid going back to my dorm during the day because my bed just keeps calling my name until I give in. Frustrated and confused, I decided to do some research into some possible reasons why I might be so tired!
The first thing I found was Allergies. I have been having a heck of a time with allergies lately. I’m currently on that good ole Claritin D. Allergies stuff us up and make us feel dreadful. If you’re taking over the counter drugs for allergies or sickness, make sure they’re non-drowsy.
Something we usually forget to consider is dehydration. I will admit it. I only drink about 800mL of water a day. It’s terrible. Water fuels and cleanses the body and actually helps stimulate our nervous system. Hydration is very important when it comes to energy because usually people fill themselves with caffeine which only makes dehydration worse. So drink that water!
This next one is not surprising at all: Stress. Oh yes, if you’re a college student then stress is probably your life. Stress takes a huge toll on your mental and physical wellness which can result in fatigue. I found a great article on this that said, “When your body reacts to a physical, mental or emotional stimulus, it can cause stress that interferes with your health or normal functioning. Stress occurs when situations put more pressure on you than you think you can handle. One symptom of long-term stress is fatigue, defined as physical or mental exhaustion. Fatigue causes a dulling of your senses, thought processes and reflexes.” Yay for stress! Just kidding. Just make sure you’re taking care of yourself and learn to rejuvenate once in awhile in a healthy way!