Back in middle school, my fifth grade science teacher and Bill Nye the Science Guy introduced me to another field of learning. I was captivated by scientists and experiments. I knew that I wanted to be involved in this area of study for my whole life.
Today, as I am studying science and health at one of the top science colleges in my state, I have to ask myself why I'm in this major.
Why am I spending all of my days in lab? Why am I studying for hours upon hours just for a quiz for my microbiology class? Why do I need to enroll in plant biology if I want to be a doctor? And why am I constantly in a state of stress and contemplating dropping out after every organic chemistry lecture?
At the beginning of this crazy ride, being a science major was rewarding. I loved the fact that my biology projects were engaging and interesting. I had a sense of accomplishment after I would mark off a prerequisite for medical school. I felt confident in general chemistry while all my non-science major friends would ask me for help before a big test. I was also great at ignoring everyone who told me it would get significantly harder. I would laugh and keep on balancing equations.
Well they were right.
After countless emotional breakdowns, seven Sonic milkshakes and an hour long phone call with my mom every night, I had to take a step back and ask myself why I am in this position?
I am a science major because it is challenging. Yes, all majors are challenging but a science major student has a certain grit about them that will keep going when the going gets tough. I want to work for my future. I want to hold my degree and know that I gave my all to earn this. After all the blood, sweat and tears, it was worth it.
I am a science major because I want to help others. Many science majors become doctors and work in the health field. Others go into research or even teach future science students. Although plant cell biology will not be something I use every day in my profession, I want to be well equipped for my future patients.
Ultimately I am a science major because I am passionate about it. Somewhere inside of me there is that 5th grader who is still captivated by the world of science. Somewhere inside of me is the future doctor that wants to have her own practice and impact people's lives. That little girl with glasses and an Aeropostale t-shirt is just waiting for me to make her dreams come true.
So, to those who apologize to me for being a science major, thank you for reminding me that not only my degree is hard, but it will be well worth it after it is all said and done.