After wanting my childhood to fly by, I am absolutely terrified of what the future holds.
As completely cliche as it sounds, it truly is painful to look back at how badly I wanted to fast forward through my childhood. The age of 20 seemed like the age where everything in your life would be put together and life would be going pretty well. Of course, slowly I am learning that no matter what age you are looking forward to, nothing will ever just fall into place in front of you. And that is scary.
In some way, I always assumed that school was supposed to help us be prepared for the inevitable event of us becoming actual adults, although now I am certain that college is a good way to ensure you that you are not prepared for the future. Watching my mom as a child made me sure that being an adult and finding your way was easy. Probably because she never let me see the load of things that she has had to do. As a kid, it just seemed like something we would be programmed to do once we hit a certain age.
When you get into college, it seems so long until graduation, but as a junior winding up my second to last fall semester, I fail to see how a smooth transition into adulthood can be possible. How can I just go from being a kid in college to an adult in one walk across a stage? How can someone who still thinks Disney World is the best place ever have a successful career?
It is all pretty scary when you realize how close it is. It is also a bit funny when you think about it, that growing up seemed so far away when we were kids. It seemed like it was a never-ending string of milestones that you had to accomplish before you would be granted a pass to be an adult. Now it feels kind of like a freight train coming all at once with no brakes but it's an adventure. And adventures are meant to be scary and challenging because they are something new.