Everyone uses the term "Millennial" as if it were some sort of derogatory comment. It is usually taken in a negative context by people who did not get the privilege of growing up during this time period. I do not feel the same way. I will not deny being a millennial, and I definitely will not be ashamed of it.
We are the new and upcoming generation. We are the fearless ones, the creative ones, the modern ones, and yes, we are privileged. We are the generation that utilizes the rights that past generations before us fought so hard for. We have no issue expressing ourselves because now it is a time to be unique. The "un-normal" is the new "normal". No, we do not have the same rules and standards as generations have before us.
Believe it or not we still uphold some of the classic traditions. Boys hold the door for girls (and girls hold the doors for guys). We still have manners because believe it or not, we can still be civil humans. We still care about things and work hard for what we get. So what if the minimum wage is not the same as it used to be? The cost of living definitely is not the same as it used to be.
Recently, I listened to a Podcast called "On The Media." They were talking about how so many people blame millennial's for the cause of our nation's decline. They talked about how millennials are not buying houses as much so the real estate business is losing money. They talked about how there is a decline in the purchases of paper products because millennials are trying to buy things that are more practical for them.
If we are going to blame millennials for every tiny thing that changes, should we not do the same to generations in the past?
We were all raised by people who have not grow up in the same time we have. What seems like it is normal to us may be a privilege to others. We do not blame past generations for the way they left the world before it was the millennial's turn to "rule the generation."
Each generation has their own turn to make a difference. I think if anything millennials are much harder on themselves than others may think. We are constantly battling to make a difference, to be seen, to be heard, to be loved and accepted by others. We constantly compare ourselves to people in the past and people in the present. Will we ever feel as though we are good enough?
I am proud to be a millennial. This is what my parent's generation worked so hard for. They gave us the tools that we needed to shape and mold this world into a better place. It is time to stop using the term millennial so loosely. It is time to face the challenges that life puts throws our way and enjoy the time while we are still here.