Waiting. It is something we all do. We wait in line to get food. We wait in line at department stores. Spending hours on end waiting for a new movie or game to be released. Waiting on prayers to be answered. Just waiting for time to slow down.
Many people get impatient with how often they have to wait. They get angry at the cashier for not moving fast enough. They get angry at the chefs for not cooking their food at the precise moment that they ordered it. You get angry when you have spent all night waiting for the release of a movie just to find out that all of the tickets are sold out. Living in a constant state of anger because feel as though your prayers are going unanswered.
I have been there. I have spent many hours waiting for something that I have been dreaming about just to find out that the end results were not what I wanted. I’ve waited for what felt like hours for a waitress to bring out my food just to find that my food was not cooked all of the way. This past week alone I have wasted a lot of time sitting and wondering why things weren’t happening my way when I have spent many days no, many weeks waiting for my prayers to be answered. I have been angry. Angry at God for not listening to me when all I have ever done is follow what he wanted me to do. Angry at the fact that I can’t control anything that is going on in my life right now. I have built up so much anger that I have made myself miserable these past couple of weeks.
I was hit with a major reality check when I realized that I was being completely selfish. There are so many people in the world that don’t have the opportunity to wait in line for a new movie release. They don’t have a chance to wait for their meal to be served to them. Some of these people spend most of their lives waiting to see when their next meal.
I have been making myself miserable over something that I have no control over. I have been angry and furious at everyone and everything when I have no real reason to be.
My perspective has now changed. I am okay with waiting in line to get a drink that I probably shouldn’t be getting anyway. I am okay with waiting in a restaurant for my food to come out (even if it feels like I have been waiting for hours on end). I am okay with waiting to see a movie that has been out for weeks.
I am okay with waiting for God’s answers to my prayers. Everything that I think is going wrong will all be okay because I know that whatever God has planned he will make it happen. There is no reason for me to not enjoy the life I have been given because I am so beyond blessed. He has blessed me with a beautiful family that loves me unconditionally and the least that I can do is wait for his plan to unfold.