One of the hardest battles for me thus far in my life has been to accept myself for the way I am. I have been the queen of low self-esteem, the negative Nelly of my own mind. In a world where the idea of a perfect woman is idolized, it's easy to constantly focus on the areas of your life that need improvement. My flaws range from physical to mental to spiritual. However, thankfully, my mindset has changed toward my flaws.
I'm okay with worrying too much because I understand that is my way of showing that I care.
I'm okay with not being the prettiest girl because I'm working on making my heart beautiful enough to make up for it.
I'm okay with my loud, obnoxious laugh because I know one day someone is going to fall in love with that laugh.
I'm okay with how emotional I am because I know that that is a sign of a soft heart.
I'm okay with the way I talk, because I know that in the moments when my speech becomes rapid, my words get jumbled, and my accent becomes thicker that it is because I have something in my life to be excited about.
Im okay with the fact that I love too hard for my own good, because eventually, this will pay off.
I'm okay with my body the way it is because the right person is going to love every inch of it no matter how it appears.
I'm okay with my need for others because I know this shows how much they mean to me.
I'm okay with how goofy I am because it keeps my heart like a child's.
I'm okay with how awkward I am because it makes for funny stories and good laughs.
I'm okay with not wearing makeup everywhere I go because someone I fully trust in told me I was beautiful without it and I finally believed them.
I'm okay with my crooked tooth that sticks out when I smile because it only shows when there is a reason to be happy.
I'm okay with being me, including every single flaw, because I would not be me without them.
After years of being told that I was made just how I was supposed to be, it has finally clicked. I don't know why. I don't really know how. But I know there's beauty in my flaws. It just takes the right eyes to see them. Others may love your flaws and accept them all, but you are the one who must truly see the beauty in your flaws in order to love yourself the way you deserve to.