I am an avid fan of politics, part of the only political club, of which I I know, at Assumption College and involved in everyday debate about the state of politics in the United states. So naturally, come election time, people often ask who I am sponsoring or endorsing. In 2008 It was Barack Obama, in 2012 it was Mitt Romney, this time around? No one.
I have always been more conservative economically, social issues I do not take a stance, because I feel like there is no room for debate in that field, people are too far one side or the other.
But I am not endorsing any candidate, as of right now. Why one might ask, I say this. Even if I am a conservative, I will vote a better liberal candidate into office, if the Republican party does not present a good candidate. Right now, the Republican party is a mess. Trump is leading, but can he hold in a primary presidential election? Probably not, not dismissing from the fact that he loves to use big words, yet never any detail or a solid workable plan. Ban Muslims. Great Donald, how? Big plans, no detail. Ted Cruz hates me for being Muslim, and although he is a presumed candidate, he is disliked in Washington.
Although that might be fine and dandy for a campaigning slogan, this means he isn’t going to get anything done in Washington. For a guy who preaches anti-Washington, he has a lot of links to companies known to have Washington links, see Goldman Sachs. Marco Rubio I believe may be the most electable candidate on the republican side, yet he isn’t performing. After the latest debacle in February republican debate, he fell flat in New Hampshire. Although he has, I believe, the right ideas, his robotic answers lead me to fear he may be a lot of talk but no walk. His policies sound great, but I feel as though he is reaching to be extra religious, even though he isn’t, just to sell votes. Christie is out, so is Fiorina, Carson on his way there, no thanks to Jeb, Mike Huckabee the ultra racist is out as well and Rick Santorum never had a chance. Wow, a real blockbuster of candidates there!
The democratic side? I like Bernie, but a lot of his plans are very unrealistic and my biggest gripe is that as a college student I not only have to pay a ton already in fees and tuition, but taxes kill whatever is left of my income, so now we cut into it even more? But let’s leave that, he may not have the holding power to carry battleground states. Hillary may have the power to do so, but will those emails ever go away? She better hope so, because it may kill her chances at getting up in the polls. As soon as she stops attacking Bernie and Wall Street and gives a solid plan, I would love to hear it!
I am hoping a lot of this changes and as we get further into the debates hopefully the field gets stronger, but my goodness, it's not looking good right now.