As the ball drops, we think about all the great things we have proposed to accomplish in the New Year. The reality is most people do not stick with their New Year's Resolution. I am guilty of this as well, and that is why this year I will not be making a New Year's Resolution.
Okay take a minute and think about last year's proposed resolution: Can you remember it? Was it to lose weight, start working out, earn more money, travel the world? For many years I set resolutions for the New Year, but after a month of two I was honestly just over it, or it was not realistically attainable at the time. Rather, I find myself setting goals throughout the year. These goals are smaller and more attainable goals. So why do we even bother with New Year’s Resolutions? Honestly, It kind of seems like some sort of tradition, something we are just supposed to do. If you think about it New Years is just another day. Now, I am not the New Year’s Resolution grinch. I really do love New Years, and I am not saying that all New Years Resolutions are a bust. If you're someone who loves setting resolutions and can stick them out, then kudos to you. Keep up the good work!
Of course, I have wishes and hopes for a great New Year. Things I would love to accomplish this year, but rather than entering the New Year with grandiose expectations for myself, I will be entering it open minded and maybe you should too. A broken New Year's resolution is kind of disappointing. The reason I am not setting a resolution is because instead of waiting till the New Year to set and accomplish goals, I am starting today.Why wait for a one day out of the whole year to set your goals? Start today, and when you accomplish it, celebrate and set another.
I don't know what 2017 holds, but regardless of if you set a resolution or not, I hope all your goals are accomplished this year. Thomas Monson once said, "It's in the doing, not just the thinking that we accomplish our goals". That is why this year I have decided to set continuous goals, and not a New Years Resolution.