For those of you who don't follow social media Earth Day is April 22nd and is also the day of the March for Science. The march for science is happening in response to all the changes that are happening in the science community because of current political decisions. People are marching for a number of different reasons and this is about my reason to march.
It is no secret that I love animals and the environment or that I have plans to pursue a career in the biological field. Due to the new presidency a lot of changes are being made to the laws and funding that goes into my future field. I am marching because I don’t feel that that is right or fair to take money away from that research because our new president doesn’t believe that climate change or other issues aren’t happening. Climate change is happening and if we stop research into ways to combat it then we will definitely have a problem in the future. It is also unfair that all research papers have to be reviewed before they get published especially if the people reviewing them are uneducated in the scientific fields and are prone to be biased by big companies against the researched topics.
I am marching for the little girl that is sitting in front of her TV watching in awe at a documentary about how fast a cheetah can run and dreaming about working with them. I want to make sure that she will have that opportunity one day. If funding gets cut and we don’t do something about Climate Change then that won’t happen. I want to be a voice for the animals because they cannot voice their needs and since they cannot their voices are silenced. I don’t believe that their fate should be in the hands of people who didn’t spend years studying them or care more about their wallet then the animals they share the world with. I also don’t think that preserved habitat should be sold for profit because the animals that depend on that habitat will be the ones paying for it as well as us. I also am marching against pollution and for the countless animals that inhabit our waters that continuously filled with trash.
I am marching for the health of my future children. Currently our president is trying to pass bills that are against health care and vaccines. There have been countless diseases that have been eradicated by vaccines that can and are making a comeback because of lack of health care.
I am marching because I need to help show that these choices that are being made are not okay.
In the words of Emma Watson: “If not me… who? If not now…. When?”