I did not grow up poor. In fact, I think I fall under the privileged category. My father always made quite a bit of money, in fact, usually six figures. I never wanted for anything, and I experienced things many other kids only get to dream of. I have traveled back and forth across the continental United States multiple times. I have a summer home in West Virginia. I have two four-wheelers. I have been to multiple foreign countries in four or five star hotels. In short, I have had it all.
I am not writing this to brag. In fact, I have often wished I could have given what I have to others. That isn't the point. The point is that even though I had all of that, I also never had an allowance. I was not given a car. I was not allowed to have a TV or other electronics in my room to keep me up. I was not allowed to watch some movies until I read certain books. If I needed something, I got it. If I wanted something, I had to work for it. Again, I am not bragging here. I am making a point.
I am glad that even though I could have been driving a sports car to high school, and could have avoided loans for college, my parents had the foresight to make me earn my way. Why is this important? Well, look at the world around us today. Everyone thinks they are entitled to something. In reality, we only get one thing — our lives. We get to choose what we will do with them. Not everyone gets the same opportunities.
The important thing is that we all do get opportunity. Different and varied. Some of us will be born poor. Some will be born black, white, asian, or hispanic. Some gay, some straight. None of it matters. Because there is nothing you can do about it except to do the best you can with what you have. Work hard, and your circumstances can improve. Otherwise, you will stay stagnant at best.