To start this off, Alex Turner is the lead singer of the indie-rock band "Arctic Monekys" and has written or been a part of writing every song in every album and single they have produced. I had first heard some of their music a few years ago and made a rash decision that I wouldn't listen to them again until my aunt re-introduced them to me last year. I now find myself completely wrapped up in their music and lyrics. Even if you do not appreciate their sound, there is no denying how brilliant Alex Turner's lyrics can be. He utilizes several rhetorical devices with the music that makes the understanding of the song that much more powerful. Let me prove it.
1. "Arabella" from AM:
"It's much less picturesque without her catching the light.
The horizon tries but it's just not as kind on the eyes."
He's basically telling us Arabella is more beautiful than a sunset, but with a sophisticated metaphor. What else could he possibly say that could beat this?
2. "Balaclava" from Favourite Worst Nightmare:
"You'll be able to boast
that today held the most
flawless heist of all time."
This verse compares a robbery to how he stole a woman's heart without anyone finding out. How powerful...
3. "Do I Wanna Know" from AM:
"Been wondering if your heart's still open, and if so, I wanna know what time it shuts."
The whole song is about infatuation. Every line has some sort of longing to be with this person, but this line is one of the best, comparing her reciprocation of love to a store as if her heart is on a schedule to love.
4. "Dancing Shoes" from Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not:
"And the shit, shock, horror
You've seen your future bride
Oh, but it's oh so absurd
For you to say the first word
So you're waiting and waiting.."
Don't lie. You have been there too – when you see someone across the room, and are afraid of making the first move or even just saying hello, so you wait. Nothing ever happens that way.
5. "No. 1 Party Anthem" from AM:
"The look of love - the rush of blood
The "She's with me" - the Gallic shrug
The shutterbugs - the Camera Plus
The black and white - the colour dodge
The good time girls - the cubicles
The house of fun - the number one party anthem"
The beginning of each phrase starts with "the," using an anaphora to convey how typical and routine it is for a night of partying to go just the way every night goes. No real connection -- just a lot of people gathered in a very manufactured way.
The wonderful lyrics of these songs are only a sample of what is out there. Give Arctic Monkeys a try and look for the meaning, because every song from every album has a message or tells a story.