These are the 5 reasons I know going Greek was the best decision I ever made:
1. I never saw myself as a "sorority girl"
This has to be one of the main reasons why I decided to go greek. I was ready to make a change and I wasn't going to just "cut my hair." I wanted to see myself in a different light, show myself what I can really do. I never thought I would be the girl who went to formals, chanted at strangers while piled in a door stack, or even the girl who lived in a house with 45 other girls. I wanted nothing to do with those type of girls, but when I changed my view point I really began to see what I had been missing out on. Even though I never saw myself in this light; didn't mean I didn't belong in that light. I wasn't the girl who shopped until I dropped, got ready to go to formals or prefs with cute frat boys. I was the kind of girl who wanted to go on a hike and read a book, but going out of my comfort zone was such a great point in my life.
2. I not only found amazing friends; I found true sisters.
Making friends that happened to be girls has always been hard for me. I never was a girls girl, but I always wanted to try and be. Joining Pi Beta Phi really brought me out of my shell and I am forever thankful for that. I was able to not only meet amazing lifelong friends, but I met my sisters. I found the girls I know will stand beside me on my wedding day as I marry the love of my life, the girls who will call me for playdates between out kids when we all live near each other, and it will be amazing.
3. One word. FORMALS.
Who doesn't want to feel like Miss America on the night of a fraternity/sorority formal? ME. I mean, yes; you will be just a tiny bit drunk, but that is all part of the fun right? I love love love to go back to the days when I spent ALL Saturday running around town buying booze, getting a spray tan, making sure you have every last detail figured out before you begin the ritual of getting ready with your sisters all piled into one bathroom.
4. I fell in love with giving back.
Each greek organization has a philanthropy that they help raise awareness for. In Pi Phi, ours is children's literacy and I couldn't have found a better house to join being a future educator. I had lost touch with giving back since joining my sorority was during my gap time competing within the Miss America Organization. I learned how to fall in love with giving back again and I was so thrilled because of that.
5. The student involvement around campus and the community.
Grand Forks 110% relies on the involvement of the UND students. In the summers, this town is a ghost town due to the students being gone for summer. I have seen the power of a community when we all come together and that is what going greek is all about. The BIG event is help ever year for UND students and organizations; during this students can be asked to help with not only campus events, but to help other people and businesses around the Grand Forks area. It's such a fun day to get to know not only your sisters more; but to know more people within the community.