Sex. It’s everywhere we look. It's in TV commercials, the internet -- honestly anywhere you look, there's bound to be something sexual. That’s just the world. It’s something everyone is interested in, whether it be hating it or loving it.
I’m very much a person who believes it’s acceptable for people to do whatever they feel comfortable with sexuality and acts. Like one of my comedy idols Amy Poehler mentioned in her autobiography, “Good for you, not for me”. It’s your life, you live it. I’m not doing it, so why should it bother me? I’m all for sexual exploration for others and sexual freedoms.
This confuses some of my friends. “But then why are you celibate?” “If you’re pro-sex, then why don’t you do it?”
Everyone has their reasons. Mine is very personal: there is a person out there for me and they’re living their life, as I wish they would, and I’ve vowed to not devote my body to others, because my body is for him. It’s not religious, it’s just me.
I don’t want anyone else, so why should I bother with giving myself to others who don’t appreciate it? Who I don’t love? Who I don’t want to spend permanent time with?
It’s been a long journey for me to finally come to this point in my life. I guess what I’m saying is, life isn’t about trying to tell others what to do. Yeah, I’m celibate, but I’m not going to shove that down others' throats when I have no influence in their lives, in their choices. I’m not them. Why should I tell them what to do?
The one thing I do care about with sexual exploration and activities is that you know what you’re doing, and that you’re prepared to accept the consequences that come with it.
I’m not trying to perform a scare tactic here, I’m saying this with experience. It seems like fun, and it is, but you need to know what’s going to come next, and that not everything comes with a guarantee.
It’s not an easy subject. It’s not suppose to be. There’s no right way to it. Have knowledge, be aware, and be safe.