New Year’s resolutions are common for people. Some people want to lose weight, while others want to be more adventurous or spontaneous. Resolutions are great, but in order for them to work, you must be willing to stick with your resolution. As the saying goes; new year, new me. Well, this year I’m changing it slightly, because 2016 is the new year for me.
When I say “for me,” I mean literally quite that. This year I am doing things for myself. 2015 was a good year. There were ups and downs. But ultimately, I learned that putting myself and my well being first is crucial for a happy and satisfied life.
This year, I am going to do more things for myself. If I want something, I am not going to wait. I am going to go get it. I’m sick of waiting around for things to happen and anticipating what is going to happen. If I miss someone, I am going to tell them and do something about it. This year, I will make things happen.
This year, I plan to put my well being above all else. This past year, I have been stressed, sad, and angry on many occurrences for many different reasons. That will not happen again. This year, I am going to do whatever it takes to take care of my well being and be happy and healthy in all aspects of life.
In 2016, I am going to spend more time with the people I love and less with negative influences. From family to friends to the friends that became family, this year, I plan to spend quality time with those people I am so thankful to have in my life. I want to surround myself with people that push me to be the best version of myself and also be around people I can encourage to be the best version of themselves. I want to have positive influences in my life that accept me for me and that will help me through anything life throws at me.
This year, I am going to take care of my body. That entails filling my hunger with good food that tastes great and is even better for my body. I want to be confident in my body and love it for the imperfections. In order to do that, I need to take care of my body to live a healthy and full life. But in the same breath, if I want a donut or cookie, I will indulge myself, just in moderation. I mean, come on, let's face it, a little cookie never hurt anyone.
This year, I am not going to worry. I am not going to dwell on the past or worry about the future, I am going to live in the present and take every day as it is. I need to live my life without the constant worry and anticipation of what's to come. I do not want to fear what my future has in store for me. I am going to live in the moment and enjoy what is right in front of me.
So all in all, this year, I am going to do all it takes to make me a better person all around. I am going to smile more and complain less. Drink more water and not eat so many midnight snacks. Volunteer more and spend less on myself. Love more, laugh more, and take time for myself more.
2016, the year for me. Here's to the next 365 days. It's time to make them great.