The 2016 Presidential election is a really special one, and while we say that it is important every cycle, this one really is a crazy one. Do we elect the demagogue Donald Trump? Or do we elect Hillary Clinton (or even Bernie Sanders?) Do we continue on the work of Barack Obama, or do we succumb to our fears and elect Trump to take us back half a century? What’s it gonna be, folks?
Well, I’ll tell you what I think (and know) it is going to be: Donald Trump will not be president of the United States, and neither will any of the other potential candidates the GOP throws at us. We will have a Democrat in office, more than likely Hillary. Frankly, I do not care what the polls are saying right now about Hillary and Trump being close, Hillary is not going to lose to Trump. And here is why I think that.
Hillary Clinton is too smart for Trump. She will tear him apart on the debate stage and will expose his political incompetence on national television. Sure, there are people who will not be swayed to change their vote from Trump to Clinton, but he sure as hell is not going to gain many votes from these debates. In fact, Clinton will not even have to say much at these debates to win. I can almost guarantee that Hillary Clinton will let Trump talk and talk into never-ending circles of rhetoric, and she will just joke and say, “See, this is what you are dealing with.” She will make him look like a fool. And while I still have my own reservations with Hillary, a Trump vs. Clinton election will make for the easiest decision I have made in my entire life. You want to make America great again? Do not vote GOP.
Secondly, our society is becoming much more progressive, more diverse by the day. Minorities and women will vote overwhelmingly in Hillary’s (or Bernie’s) favor. How on earth can Trump win the Hispanic vote with all the things he has proposed? How can he win women over with all the nasty remarks he has made -- even to people that are conservative like Megyn Kelly? He has no self-control and does not understand how the average American really lives. Trump will dig his own grave come November.
I am seriously to the point where I am not even worried about this election. We will not have a member of the Republican Party be our president, especially Donald J. Trump. Hillary Clinton will be elected and continue on the work of our great leader Barack Obama. Many working class Americans know Obama has done good things for them and will trust in Hillary to expand on that progress. Not only will the GOP lose this election, and badly I am predicting, they will lose all legitimacy as a party by nominating Donald Trump; and their party was already in shambles. This great nation will become a more progressive one, like we are seeing all over the world, and perhaps in the future figures like Hillary Clinton will be viewed as the more conservative of the candidates -- and that is a future I am excited to live in.