We have all had days where we are just unable to concentrate on anything. Studies have shown that there is a definite relationship between what we put in our mouths and how well our brain works. Studies have also shown that eating a diet high in saturated fats causes a person to feel sluggish, lack energy and focus.
Even though there is no magic pill that we can take to help us concentrate on the tasks we need to complete, there are certain foods we can add to our diet that will help improve brain function.
1. Water
We all know our bodies need water to function properly, but studies have shown that dehydration can cause brain tissue to shrink. Studies have also shown that dehydration impairs short-term memory, focus and decision making.
2. Beets
Studies have shown that eating beets actually increases the blood flow to your brain, which, will improve brain function!
3. Oysters
Oysters are high in zinc and iron, which are vital for proper brain function. Studies have shown that a lack of zinc and iron in a person's diet can result in poor concentration, in an ability to recall things that have happened, as well as many other problems throughout the entire body.
4. Eggs
Eggs have gotten a bad reputation lately and although it is true that too much of a good thing can be harmful, adding eggs to your diet is great for brain function. The reason is that eggs are full of B-12, which helps to fight against atrophy (the natural shrinking of the brain as we age). The yolk of the egg is full of choline, which is a building block of brain cells and it has been proven that choline can help greatly improve your memory.
5. Berries
Berries are often referred to as super foods because many of them contain fisetin and flavonoid, which help to improve your memory. Blueberries have been shown to help improve motor skills, as well as learning capacity.
6. Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds are full of Omega's 3 and 6, folate, vitamins B6 and E, all of which help you to think more clearly. Some also contain magnesium and thiamine which are great for cognitive function as well as memory.
7. Leafy Greens
We all know we should eat our leafy greens every day and here is just one more reason we should. Leafy Greens contain B6, B12, and folate. They also contain high levels of iron and it has been proven that if you do not get enough iron your cognitive activity will slow down significantly. Leafy greens include Kale, spinach, chard, and greens.
8. Fish
If you want to reduce your risk of getting Alzheimer's Disease you can start with eating two servings of fish per week. The reason is that fish contain high levels of omega 3 and omega 3 coats the neurons in the brain allowing them to move easily. Omega 3 also allows the brain to get more oxygen, retain new information, as well as recall old information. Herring, Salmon, and Tuna are the best fish you can eat to help with brain function.
9. Broccoli
Broccoli is also a great whole food for a healthy brain. Broccoli has been proven to improve memory, as well as slow the aging process of the brain.