To Whoever Needs It: You Are Okay | The Odyssey Online
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To Whoever Needs It: You Are Okay

Life can be overwhelming sometimes, but you can fight through it.

To Whoever Needs It: You Are Okay

Sometimes when you think you have everything together, it can completely fall apart. Life can be very tough sometimes, and it can get the best of you. One minute you are perfectly fine and smiling, the next it feels like there is too much of everything and it suffocates you. Work, school, family, relationships; everyone needs a piece of you and you can never get a break. Whenever it feels like your life is crashing down, remember that you are okay.

Life is crazy, anybody can tell you that. But no one ever tells you how to deal with the craziness. People just pat you on the back and say things like, 'Life is tough. It'll get better soon.' As someone who struggles with anxiety while handling a full-time job, being a full-time college student, and having at least a few friends, I can say that things like that do not really help too much.

Take A Deep Breath

Whenever you are feeling stressed or anxiety kicks in, just stop for a moment and breathe. Go somewhere where you are alone, close your eyes, and take some deep breaths. When you take slow, measured, deep breaths, you are forcing your body to relax. This will also help slow down the heart rate and thinking of breathing will help to clear the mind. Slowly inhale through your nose for a few seconds, hold it, and slowly exhale through your mouth. Repeat this for a minute or two, and you will feel more relaxed.

Write About Your Thoughts And Feelings

Many people think that keeping a journal is juvenile and is something children do. Believe it or not, journaling is a fantastic way to help relax and get things off your mind. Try to dedicate 10-15 minutes of your day to write about what happened that day and any thoughts or feelings you have towards it. It does not even have to be about that specific day, you can write about memories you have or anything. I personally keep a journal to write about big events that happen in my life, and I journal when I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed with life. I write about everything that is currently making me freak out and why. Something else that I write are lyrics to songs that mean a lot to me. I will write out the entire song, then at the bottom I will explain what it means to me. Journaling is something to help with getting things off the mind, even if it is only to a piece of paper.

Talk It Out

Deny it as much as you want, but people love and care about you. Whenever you are feeling not okay, call a friend or a loved one and talk to them about it. He or she will most likely be touched that you thought of this person when you felt down. Plus, who knows you better than your best friends? They can give the most comforting words and they know how to make you feel better. If you are not comfortable with venting to your friends or family about anything, there are people online who would love to help you out. You are not alone in the world. Just because you may not know of someone who is dealing with what you are, does not mean you are the only one. Going online can easily help you connect with someone who is either going through the same things you are, or have already dealt with them. In addition, you get to make a new friend, as long as you are cautious about who you talk to.

Do One Thing That Makes You Happy

This is often talked out by many people. Everyone says that doing one thing everyday that you enjoy will help your outlook on the world. They are not wrong. Yes, I know that your life is a complete mess, there are way too many things happening, and you have no time to actually enjoy me on this. Sometimes we get so caught up in our crazy lives that we forget that we are actually supposed to be living. It is always wake up, eat, school, eat, work, eat, sleep, repeat. Every. Single. Day. It becomes the most boring routine of all, and you can break out of it. Take a few minutes out of your day and do something that you used to love doing. Something that makes you so happy. I am a music major so when I get stressed with practicing, I will go into my old repertoire and play an old piece that I loved. I throw all of my emotions into it and just unwind through the music. I always feel amazing afterwards. I also love to read so if everything becomes too much, I pull out a book I know I will enjoy. Doing these helps reboot old hobbies that you may have forgotten about because of everything that you have to do.

I know sometimes it can feel like you are drowning in so many responsibilities, and you are not sure if you can make it above water. Too many things start happening and it is weighing you down more and more. Just taking a moment to stop, and relax can really help out. Taking a little bit of time to focus on you and only you is never a bad thing to do. Trust me, with everything happening, you deserve it. Just remember, when it all seems to be too much,

You are okay.

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