Look in the mirror and what do you see? Sometimes for me, I see a bunch of flaws that I wish I could change. For me growing up, I always wished to change my weight, but for you it could be acne, a smaller nose, or straighter teeth. The problem with this, is we have girls at a young age wish they didn’t look the way they did when who they are is definitely good enough. Think about it, we spend our day scrolling past girls we will never look like and listen to boys talk about standards we will never reach. The image of a “perfect” girl seems unattainable, so our self-confidence plummets and we begin to feel as if we aren’t good enough for anything or anyone so we settle for less. I am here to reshape your thought process and give you a whole new attitude about who you are and how you view yourself.
Take a minute and think about all the people who love you for exactly who you are. These individuals are who you need to surround yourself with daily. These are the friends and family who will help you feel good about who you are, because the last thing they want you to do is change. Don’t get me wrong, change can be good. Being healthy and happy are extremely important in being confident whether its mentally, physically, or emotionally. Sometimes, this could be cutting something or someone toxic out of your life, it could also be eating better, working out, or finding positive stress relievers. Whatever you think that change is, make it. Doing something for yourself to better YOU isn’t selfish. Remember that if you aren’t your full 100% you won’t be able to give any good effort into anything or anyone and this will be even more draining if what you’re putting effort into doesn’t give you anything in return. I really want to stress that the only person you should change for is you. Do not try to lose your authenticity because someone makes you feel like how you come isn’t great, because darling if you’re good enough for yourself and God? You’re good enough for anyone.
Another way to help with self-positivity is to stop allowing yourself to speak negatively about you. Think about everything you say about you on a daily basis. Would you say that to your mom? Your sister? Your grandma? Your best friend? YOU are a person too and if you wouldn’t say that to anyone else you love, so why say it to your own self? I challenge you to wake up in the morning and before you go to class or work say something positive about yourself. Tell yourself you’re beautiful, or smart, or funny. It will be weird to compliment yourself at first, but eventually it will become second nature and you will start seeing all the people around who think the same things about you as you do. Quit looking at yourself as a mistake and see yourself as masterpiece painted by one of the most influential artist. You were thought out, made perfectly, sculpted to be the person you are. Appreciate yourself from head to toe. See your flaws as just ways you are different from someone else. No two snowflakes are alike but yet each one is part of a snowfall that lays on the ground beautifully in a spot its meant to be at. Do not think for one second that who you are, is something worth complaining about. Be proud of who you are on the outside and even more proud of the kind of person you are. See that you are important to many. Start being important to yourself too.