For many of you who are die hard fans of The Walking Dead (those who are caught up) the undying excitement for the new release of season 7, probably holds your anxiety pretty high since all of us were left with many question. A huge cliff hanger was left for fans as they reveled who Negan was. Now for many of you who aren't caught up i have to warn you this is a
so just a heads up.
Now the last episode of season 6 We all watched with a rock in our bellies as Negan took out one of our most beloved characters. The only question we we're left with (unfortunately) was, Who's Going to die? Well there have been many theories, and everyone thinks their theories are right !! Yet only one (or even a few relatively same theories) can be right. Well today I'm going to share my theory that if I've done right, is the best possible theory. Of course these are only speculations and opinions.
First Off
My goal is to prove my theory by using A common observation, and B SCIENCE ! Sounds boring right? But i am gonna bring up a lot of controversy that can be argued, but again it is only observation and speculation. Just to start, I've seen previews for the 7th season and OH MY GOD!!! It looks so bad ass. So i can only imagine how some of you walking dead fans feel. If you wanna check out the link to Season 7 of TWD, the preview is linked below:
The Theories
Let's start of with the simple theory that many people had fear of to begin with. A lot of people's thought was that into the idea of Rick or Daryl dying first, however this idea would be way to easy and nonconstructive. What I mean by that is, thinking on terms of the director there isn't anyway that they'd cut two of the biggest money makers in their serious at least ... not until the final season. Yet this isn't a very good reason as to why they couldn't be. Which is exactly why I've come up with something to make it easier on you.
yay charts
Let's Eliminate the Theory
Okay so let's take out the doubt and make it easier to identify. This one has to be the most complex of theories. This is the counting method which to some people may seem complicated, but its really easy. First lets take a look at who is in the circle.
There's Glenn, Rosita Daryl, Michonne, Abraham, Maggie, Rick, Sasha, Aaron, Carl, & Eugene;and of course Negan. Now what I'm going to do is take it down by the numbers.
As you can see here each person is labeled by where Negan starts off
11-Glenn 10-rosita 5-Daryl 4-Machonne 3-Abraham 2-Maggie 1-Rick (obviously) 6-Sasha 7-Aaron 8-Carl 9-Eugene
These factors are very important for this theory. First we see Negan start with "eenie meanie" , but the thing is his count isn't fair plus the director intentionally gives you the wrong shot as to add confusion. So instead of starting at Glenn or Eugene he starts with Rick. There are 11 people on their knees making it easier to understand in what order they will be counted in. I'm going to link a video with him counting as well as I'm going to label the counting here this way we can see the victim or victims. Remember, it isn't about the song more or less its about the counting.
(Actually Order)
Rick > Maggie > Abraham > Machonne > Daryl > Sasha > Aaron > Carl > Eugene > Rosita > Glenn > Rick > Maggie > Abraham > Michonne > Daryl > Sasha > Aaron > Carl > Eugene > Rosita > Glenn
You would expect Negan to start from Glenn to Eugene and then again Glenn to Eugene or Rick > Maggie > Abe > Michonne > Daryl > Rosita > Glenn > Eugene > Carl > Aaron > Sasha > Rick and ect. but that would be WAY to easy to guess if not OBVIOUS. Thus eliminating the cliffhanger. Also the false camera shot mislead a lot of attention to whom actually dies. But now with the order given we can properly put in line who it is.
Rick "eenie" > Maggie "meanie" > Abraham "miny" > Machonne "moe" > Daryl "catch" > Sasha "a tiger" > Aaron "by" > Carl "his toe" > Eugene "if" > Rosita "he hollers" > Glenn "let him go" > Rick "my mother" > Maggie "told " > Abraham "me" > Michonne "to" > Daryl "pick" > Sasha "the very" > Aaron "best" > Carl "one" > Eugene "and you" > Rosita "are" > Glenn"it"
While referring to cutting Carl's other eye out, Negan slightly looks in the direction Carl is kneeling in. This seems to be a huge give away on where Negan is standing. Now we know that Carl is to the right of Negan which means we can eliminate Eugene automatically due to the fact the he is to the left of Carl and entirely opposite of Negan. We can also eliminate Carl as to Negan refers to him. He also refers to Rick meaning Rick is safe as well. This leaves 8 people.
Sound Theory
Now this is where ruling out the rest becomes very difficult and does require great observation, thinking, and just some plain common sense. Another thing i want to go over is the screams. Once Negan starts beating "Glenn" we hear screams, but it you listen every so closely you can hear the group calling out Glenn's name. You can even faintly hear Glenn say Mag.. before he's hit again take a look.
Now if that isn't good enough for you guys i have one more shred of proof that might change your mind if it hasn't been changed already. Now this one is the visual theory as i like to call it. This one is just simple observation and common sense. Now we can see Negan through that persons perception. So we know the person can see clearly. We also know the person has two eyes (sorry Carl) so this kind of instantly takes out one person which leaves us with 10. lets take a look at their faces.Here we can automatically eliminate Carl, Michonne, Maggie, Daryl, Eugene, Rick, and even Glenn. Yet we still consider Glenn. But with this we can consider now that the victims are Abraham, Sasha, Glenn, Aaron, and Rosita. Putting everything together though brings us down to Abraham, Rosita and Glenn. The reason for the exclusion of Aaron and Sasha is because of the placement. If you go over the order again you can see that Sasha and Aaron are past Rick twords Carl. This eliminates them since we already know Rick is safe as is every one to the left of him. Now we focus on the three left.
Now if you pay attention to when Negan begins beating that person pause your TV, DVD, DVR ect. and look closely. you can actually see in the background where specifically Negan is standing. If you did notice to the right there will be a fuzzy image of someone but this person looks to be one of the girls. Now we know for a fact that Maggie was safe, Abraham is next to Maggie which could validate the theory it was him. This specific idea actually rules out Rosita, seeing as there's a woman next to who ever our victim may be.
Now that We've gone through every factor, we can get right to the point. This is that Glenn or Abraham is the victim. For all you Glenn lovers i know you don't want it to be true but its been long over due. There are many reasons as to why Glenn is the appropriate choice not just on Negans end but on the directs too, and that is a discussion for another article. The main reason i rule out Abraham is i go back to the audio. To me the name being called for is Glenn so we can conclude that he is our unfortunate victim.
Though its sad to see such a beloved character go sometimes their unfortunate events become the reason for something greater in the story. I'd love to know who you think is Negans next form of pray. Comment, like and share i'd love to hear your theories i hope you enjoyed mine.