Our country is currently split in two over this election. Either you are a Clinton or a Trump or, like me, heavily undecided. Tack our clown issue on top of this and you can easily say we are a mess. Currently, a lot of Americans are hoping for some sort of hail mary when it comes to another candidate and I think I have found the solution. When it comes to this election I have whole heartedly found a candidate that I can endorse.
The one and only Leslie Knope.
Yes, yes you would President Knope. If she were president, she would truly make an impact on our society. And since our other candidates are crap, she is obviously the best choice.
1. Salads would be made illegal.
2. And waffles would become our national food.
3. She would use them as a pseudo peace treaty with foreign countries and would get upset when they didn't work.
4. But she would get back at them in her very own special way.
5. In the end, she wouldn't take anybody's crap.
6. She would rule our country with style.
7. She also would replace old holidays with new, more current ones. Like a Harry Potter role play day.8. And of course, replace Valentine's day with an even better holiday.
9. That she, of course, would celebrate.
10. She also would work on improving the wage gap.11. Probably with wine.