Being in college, most of us have jobs. Some of us are secretaries while others work on campus in places like the library or even at the gym. Some of us work in retail and others go for the food industry as servers. I, myself, am a server and when people as what my job is, they respond with, “Oh, that job must be hard,” in a sarcastic voice. Honestly, it is. Here are a few tips as to why people should not underestimate the job of being a server.
1. Time Management Skills
Without this crucial skill, you’ll be blowing your head off with customers yanking on your arm this way and your leg that way. One customer is holding you up by telling you about how life was back in the day and you’re not trying to be rude, but you just want to tell him to shut up because he doesn’t have tables that are waiting for him or the ranch that needs to be sent to a table that forgot to tell you that when they ordered. On top of that, you've got to make sure that you remember when the times of the meals are done so that you don’t let them sit out and get cold.
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2. Being Able To Multi-task
As servers, we need to be able to be most productive that we can possibly be in the least amount of time that we can. We've got to get these customers in and out with the best quality service that there is. We're getting refills for this party of people, getting rolls for that couple, and getting the drink order for the single person. Why should you burn yourself going back and forth when you can be a multi-tasker? Fewer trips mean less work.
3. People Skills
Being a server, you need to have people skills, which isn’t as bad as it sounds. Just treat the customers they way that you want your family to be treated. Have a slight conversation with them, smile, and just be able to make a bond with them. You don’t have to make a play date when you get off work, but they’ll appreciate talking to you. They are just another customer, but they like to be treated like they are family. They like to be able to come in the next time and ask for that server who served them the last time. Once they tell their friends what an amazing server you are, they’ll bring their friends and request you.
4. Keep Calm And Serve On
Servers tend to forget to keep their composure when waves of customers come in. Servers can’t be stressing or else the customers will know it. Some people can’t deal with stress and flip out. Take a deep breath and know that this will pass and there will be big tips when they're all gone. So, in the meanwhile, just take it a few tables at a time and tell the other customers that you’ll be right with them. Servers can only do so much. We only have two hands.
5. Service With A Smile
Whether a server is having a good day or a bad day, smiling is the number one task when it comes to being a server. Sadly, we have to put on a mask and smile even on the bad days. As much as we don’t want to, customers are not going to be really thrilled to see their server looking like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed or frowning as though she was dragged to work. Remember that, when seeing these customers, servers ought to see it as dollar signs walking in their section. Who else is going to pay your bills? It costs nothing to smile. Customers will remember you smiling from when you gave them their menus to when they are paying out.