Do not fret if you are single this Valentine's Day! You should not feel lonely! If you do not have a date this Valentine's Day it is not the end of the world. I have 15 alternatives you can do! Here is advice from a professional (I have a 19-year-long streak. I know what I am talking about.) on how to spend your Valentine's Day single and happy.
1. Buy a heart-shaped pizza
Eat all of it and do not feel ashamed about it. Those pizzas are pretty big so you are pretty talented if you eat all of it.
2. Buy yourself a Valentine's Day gift
Let's be honest: You know for sure what you will like and won't mess up what you get yourself.
3. Netflix and Indulge
If you aren't in love you can live through the characters of your favorite TV shows!
4. Get a pet
Your significant other will make you mad time and time again but if you get a pet the only thing they will do to make you mad is pee on the floor.
5. Hang out with your single friends
Do something with your other friends that are single! Whether that means going to a movie or staying in, spend it with them! Valentine's Day is not just about being with a significant other, it is about being with those you love.
6. Wine
Pour yourself a glass (bottle) of wine! Wine will never disappoint you. I promise.
7. Daydream about your celebrity crush
Stop lying to yourself. The reason why you are still single is because you are waiting for your celebrity crush to realize he is actually in love with you.
8. Text all of your exes and tell them you miss them... except not really
9. Shred your ex
Go to Hooters and bring a picture of your ex. After you buy 10 wings and shred the picture you get 10 wings for free. The best part about this is that the paper is not wasted. It is donated to local animal shelters for the animals! This will probably be the best thing your ex ever did for you.
10. Buy a large stuffed animal
You will always have someone to cuddle with at night and the best part is they don't snore.
11. Ship your enemies glitter
Do you really want revenge on an ex? Well the perfect way to do that is to send them a glitter bomb. It's not harmful but they will never see the end of glitter in their room.
12. Treat yourself
Buy a new outfit. Get your nails and hair done. Remember that you're too hot to just settle for any guy.
13. Valentine's Day drinking game
Every time you see a couple post about each other about how grateful they are to have each other or about the gifts they got each other, take a shot. About an hour into this game, you'll forget that it is even Valentine's Day.
14. Laugh
Laugh at yourself if you even thought for a minute about being sad that you do not have someone to spend Valentine's Day with. This holiday is only 24 hours. The other 364 days of the year you couldn't give two shits about being single. Why feel upset about it on this one day?
15. Look forward to February 15
Do not look forward to this day because the holiday of love is over. Look forward to this day because all of the stores will have half-priced Valentine's Day candy. Nothing can be better than this bargain!
If you do any of these alternatives to Valentine's Day I can assure you that you may have a better Valentine's Day than half of the couples celebrating. Embrace the single life. I promise you will survive this Valentine's Day.