Normally starting off on a beautiful article piece, you talk about you as a person. Your hopes and dreams in the world. I am not like most people. I am shy and closed off to my surroundings. I have a very small group of friends. To most people I am what you call an introvert; being an introvert isn’t necessarily a bad thing like some people would say. To those who don’t know what an introvert is it is someone who doesn’t enjoy big crowds. It’s that kid who complains about group projects because they rather work alone. Now don’t get me wrong, I do have friends and I do enjoy going out, but I do not like meeting new people. It’s actually a fear of mine to talk to people, but because of this fear, I have writing. Writing, my passion, my love, my weakness; it is something that has taken me out of a dark place, but it also something that makes me scared.
I won’t lie and say I wasn’t afraid of writing for a platform that I admire. It's nerve wrecking writing for something that you admire yet never thought you would be a part of. I stared at this page for endless days just thinking what it would be like when people read my articles. Would I do well? Or would I fail? Then my mother of course told me that a failure is better than never trying. So to get to the dying point of this article, I want to make a promise to you all. I promise to write about things that you can relate to. I want to offer not only myself, but my readers a chance to be heard. We as a society can only go so far on our own. We need help, and nothing is wrong with asking for help. So as a new writer on this beautiful platform, I will offer you a chance to be heard. I want to start a never ending conversation about anything. I want you to be able to know that your voice is being heard in a world that tends to silence the younger voice. That you do have someone in your corner when it seems like everyone else is against you. I want to be that friend that you cry on because you feel like no one else will understand what you are going through. I want to be that support system. Please allow me to be that support system, and I promise to not let you down.
Stay Beautiful,