Most of us probably grew up with our parent's reading Dr. Seuss books to us. Whether it be The Cat in The Hat, Green Eggs & Ham, or The Places You Will Go, we can all relate and remember one of his stories from when we were growing up. And as we grew up they began to make movies and make all of those stories come to life, and I know I can say from experience, make us feel like kids again. Now that we are grown and reading texts books instead of the short children's books, like what Dr. Seuss wrote, we realize that those books gave us so much advice and some of them have even helped us through some tough times.
6. We are all a little weird...
Whether you agree with me or not, its helps you realize that it doesn't matter what people say about your relationship or whatever you are in, as long as you are happy and content, weirdness means nothing.
5. Why Fit In?
I feel like this quote could have helped a lot of us during our middle school years when we were all trying to fit in with a certain group, but now that we are older and more "mature" we realize that being you is way better than being someone else or acting a certain way.
4. Oh The Places You Will Go
Oh, the places you will go. This book has so much meaning now that most of us are in college and on our own a lot of the time. It helps us realize that no matter where we go, as long as we put our mind into what we want to do and believe in us, we will make it and we will do great things!
3. Smile.
This one has definitely helped me through some really hard times and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way. Whether you are going through a heartbreak, a death, or losing a best friend we always need to remember that things happen for a reason and we should be happy that we had that something no matter how short of a time it might've been.
2. Be Who You Are
Now these last two are very similar but they both have so much meaning that I feel they can't be left out of this list. This definitely goes along with number four because as long as you are being you and not pretending to be someone else, you will find people that love you for you and won't care what you do because they are the people that belong in your life. Not the ones who will put you down and be embarrassed by something you've done.
1. Who Cares?
Now The Lorax just came out in theaters a few years ago and I wasn't a child any more, BUT that did not matter to me, I LOVE this movie! It teaches kids, teens, adults and elders so much about life and how to keep things precious and not destroy them. This quote isn't just talking about what people think of you but is telling us that if we care about something then we need to do something about it not just sit there and wait for someone else to do it.
There are so many amazing quotes from all of Dr. Seuss books, and these are only a few of mine. They have meaning to me and I'm sure you have some that mean a lot to you. Now please share some of your favorite Dr. Seuss quotes in the comments below so we can all see the meaning behind yours as well!