College students have parties. Often times students are putting in more than 40 hours a week into classes and school work as well as possibly participating in extracurriculars that enrich their college experience or help their community. It is completely naturally to want to blow of some stem and hang out with your friends once in awhile on the weekends. When anyone throws a party whether it’s a sports team, a fraternity, or just a few people that have an apartment, they are throwing that party with the intention of having a FUN night with their friends and classmates. This is a time for students to have fun and let loose ESPECIALLY if they’re being responsible.
This brings me to my next point. Often times it’s made fun of that fraternity members will ask other men “who do you know here?” when entering a party; inferring that if they don’t know someone there then they will not be allowed in. As a member of greek life I’ve been asked “why don’t frats let other guys into their parties?”, and up until now I never had an answer or cared to find out because I’m a female and have never really been “turned away” at the front of a party. I finally have the answer; it is Brock Turner. This scum excuse of a man, is the reason.
Allow me to further explain. Whether you believe it or not, fraternities and sororities are based on personal values and character. This meaning that the members of a fraternity will extend a bid to another man who they believe possesses the same values and moral character as it’s founders and current members. If members of a fraternity own a house, just as any normal person can, and they decide to have a party they would obviously invite their friends. If you look at it from the homeowner’s point of view I would not want people in my house who I don’t know or trust. If this young man walked up to my front door when I was having a party I don't think I would want him in my house, especially if alcohol was involved.
Brock Turner embodies the person that should be turned away from a party. Men in a fraternity pay to live in their houses and treat it as such, meaning that they act responsibly when consuming alcohol. This man is not only irresponsible but a criminal. Sick people like him are the one’s creating the problem; it is not the “partying” and it is not the alcohol.
I finish this article sending my deepest regrets to the victim. I’m sorry that someone didn’t ask rapist Brock Turner who he knew that night. I’m sorry that his friends didn’t see a problem with the way he abused alcohol and drugs. However, I am not sorry to rapist Brock Turner that he was subjected to Stanford University's "Party Culture". Standford’s community has done nothing wrong. It is no one’s fault but his own that rapist Brock Turner does not know how to use alcohol responsibly. The mis-use of alcohol should be a concern if the person is in medical danger but being rapist I'm afraid does not fall in that category, Brock. You were scum before you attended Stanford. You were scum before you consumed alcohol, and you will be scum for the rest of your time on this earth.