I don’t think of myself as a political person. Actually, politics isn’t something I’ve ever given much thought to; and yes, it should probably be something of what I am more knowledgeable. I’ll be 100% honest, the most I’ve gotten out of this election is laughing at all of the comments, gifs, and memes that have been created as a result of this year’s election.
With that being said, I’m not writing an article on who or who not to vote for but rather about The One who has this election in His hands. Someone who is not wondering who will come out on top with the most votes and will be sworn into office this coming January. Someone who loves each candidate even though we find it hard to understand and sometimes even hard to believe. Someone who loves each of us enough that even though we sin and we are lost, He sent His Son to take our sin and our shame and He then defeated the grave.
And most importantly, Someone who we need to search for again. Someone we need to begin and end with. Someone who our nation has taken our eyes off of but so desperately needs to bring back into focus.
Jesus Christ. Christ is the one who holds us in His hands and is so desperately ready for us to crawl back to Him. And you know what? In the midst of this debate, when emotions are high and intentions are wrong and all good seems lost, Christ is standing there waiting for us.
Clear direction on how to proceed on may be hard to find but Christ will not be surprised with who wins and who loses. And, isn’t that something to be thankful for? Even though this election is scary and Christ’ name seems to be forgotten, there is still hope: hope that one of our candidates will be surrounded by people who uplift Christ’s name and that can point them back to God so that our nation will follow.
Pray that whoever is chosen will not live for sin but will start living for the Savior. Pray that whoever is chosen will stand up for our nation while exemplifying America under the name of Jesus. Pray that we have the wisdom to go forward as we live in our privileged country and have the discernment on what to do when decisions need to be made. Most of all, pray that whoever is chosen will come to know, if they don’t know already, of the radial, life-changing love of Jesus Christ. Oh God, let the good news of The Gospel be brought to them in a way that only You can bring to them.