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Who Did It Best?

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Who Did It Best?
Second Fiddle

Many artists do covers, but there are some that are redone so beautifully, it appeals to a person more than the original. This can bring two completely different styles of music to lovers to enjoy the same lyrics. The list below has the first take on the song, and then a cover that puts a new spin on it.

XO// Beyoncé

John Mayer adds a western acoustic sound to Beyoncé's electronic ballad.

Heartbeats// The Knife's

José Gonzáles changes this song by focusing on the riffs of the music with his guitar.

The District Sleeps Alone Tonight// The Postal Service

Birdy's cover of this changes the voice of the song into something much softer and heart throbbing.

Crazy// Gnarls Barkley

Going from the more upbeat voice, Daniela Andrade gently puts her guitar to work, which matches her soothing sound.

Closer// The Chainsmokers

Chainsmokers and Walk off the Earth both have a sound that makes you want to get up and dance. This cover has a happy, care-free joy shown in their music video.

Blue Velvet// Bobby Vinton

Because the song was written in 1963, Bobby has a voice style that fits with that era. Lana keeps the melodic tone with her soothing voice and gets inspiration from that era for the theme of her video.

True Colors// Cyndi Lauper

Adverting from Cyndi's strong sound, Tom Odell keeps the song mellow and tranquil.

I'm On Fire// Bruce Springsteen

AWOLNATION made this song to fit a motion picture. They go from the old southern sound, to something more modern.

American Oxygen// Rihanna

X Ambassadors did an amazing job redoing this song. They have so much talent, it will give you chills!

Bille Jean// Michael Jackson

No one can compare to the talent of MJ, but The Civil Wars knock it out of the park with their harmonizing in this live version.

Landslide// Fleetwood Mac

Practically getting their fame from this cover, Smashing Pumpkins redo this song adding their own style. This is noticeable with their guitar riffs.
Another famous group, Dixie Chicks, put their own beautiful spin on this famous song.

New Person, Same Old Mistakes// Tame Impala

There really is not a lot that Rihanna changed to this song. The beat is practically the same, it just appeals to anyone who loves her voice. The title is slightly different.

Hurt// Nine Inch Nails

Johnny Cash has this song on his Unearthed album. His voice is a little warmer than the original.

Bohemian Rhapsody// Queen

Panic! At The Disco keeps the same wonderful intro with Queen in the background, and blows us all alway with his incredible falsetto.

Extra! Extra!

Even though only one example is given, Birdy's first album is made up entirely of covers. She does her own beautiful take on these songs with the piano and her light hearted voice. This is the album that started her career when her music video cover of Bon Iver's Skinny Love gained speed on YouTube. Here is a link to her album on Spotify and iTunes

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