Traditionally, our parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and even our great-great grandparents grew up where when it came to dating, the men asked the women. Well, if you haven’t noticed, time has changed immensely since their age. Now, quite often, you see guys asking girls out and girls asking guys out, or in my case, no one asks anyone. But when it really comes down to it, shouldn’t we go back to the traditional ways of men asking women? It is part of their manly duties… right?
Here’s where that theory is wrong. Let’s be honest, if we left all the asking on dates to the men these days, well, we would be single forever. Don’t get me wrong, there are lots of guys out there who do ask girls on dates and more than just once! Kudos to you, keep up the good work. I’m talking about those guys who stare at a girl in their class or church for days, weeks, months, maybe even years without asking her out on a date or even talking to her. Guys, I promise you, girls are not those scary flesh-eating, manhood-taking, crazy psychopath creatures that your moms warned you about. Most of us, and I mean most of us, are nice and funny and like to have fun. Just beware: there are some girls that are like the ones your mother told you about.
So what do we do about this? Because girls should not just wait around to be asked on a date (we aren’t in the movies, ladies) and guys shouldn’t be forced to ask the girl out. That’s where we get stuck. Who asks who? Here’s my thought… It doesn't matter. Girls, don’t think that guys can read your minds and automatically know you’re interested and want to go on a date. They aren’t superheroes and they don’t have super powers. It’s okay to get out of your comfort zone and ask that cute guy on a date. Now, should you have to ask them every single time? No, but to get the ball rolling, you sometimes have to be creative.
Now, guys, don’t think because a girl asks you on a date that means that they are intimidating or weird. You should be flattered because it took that girl a lot of courage to ask. Just because I encourage girls to ask out guys doesn’t mean you guys are off the hook. I strongly think guys should ask girls on dates. Not only does that say something about your character, but you get major brownie points. I’ve been told a million times how afraid guys are of being denied, but you can’t be denied if you don’t try in the first place.
Dating is supposed to be fun and to get to know lots of new people, but you can’t do that if no one is asking! So take that three seconds of courage and go for it. The worst someone can say is no. And if they do, well, that's their loss.