It's that time of year again; the beginning of a new school year. And what does a new school year mean exactly? New faces, professors, drama, confusion, and all of the other wonderful things that come along throughout a long year of work. Although I often find myself anxious and nervous at the beginning of the school year; nothing confuses me more than when a professor gives you an assignment in which you have to tell them who you are.
The basics always come out in the first couple sentences like my name, age and major. Sometimes I'll go in and discuss where I am from and my family life. This year however; the classic question of "Who are you?" seemed to stump me more than ever.
Truth be told sometimes I don't know who I am.
I'm not saying I have lost sight of who I am because I haven't; I'm simply saying I have recently discovered I can be whoever or whatever I want to be and in this exact moment I do not know what that is.
These are things I do know:
I am a kind and caring person who tends to put others before myself.
I am someone who values friendship more than anything in this world.
I am insecure.
I am someone who finds passion in almost anything I do.
I am dedicated.
I am smart.
I am quiet when I want to be but also outgoing.
I am loving and forgiving.
I am so many things and so much more than I believe myself to be sometimes. Recently I have learned that there is no reason to dwell on the things I am not, but to take pride in the things that I am. I am learning everyday to be the best version of myself that I can be. I am learning that it is okay to just be me and not the things I am not and probably will never be.
I am confident that one day I will look in the mirror and say "I am proud".
So now tell me...Who are you?