Have you ever changed as a person even if it was for a brief amount of time? We all have there's no denying it. Between friends to family, trends, to being at work or school, there is always something going on around us that will compete with who we really are.
It doesn't just affect teenagers or little kids. This issue affects everyone! You could be the nicest sweetest person in the whole entire world, but when someone is acting mean towards your kindness or your goofy personality, you shut down and just don't say anything to anyone. If you are this person that tries to change others let me give you a piece of advice. Get a life of your own!
People are not all made the same. Some are really goofy others are laid back. Some talk a lot others are quiet. Some people want everything to be about them and if it's not then they aren't happy. These people are usually the ones that try to change someone the most when they realize that they are liked more, going to go farther in life, or maybe just nicer and a better friend. These are the people we can't worry about because one day they'll realize that they are the ones that need to change not the other person.
During my senior, year we had to turn in a quote that best fits us as a person for our yearbook. Some people put something funny others put something inappropriate, while there were those who put in bible verses. I struggled with finding what my quote was going to be I thought and thought and thought. I read some of the other people's quotes and was shocked to read that they had the audacity to chose something inappropriate. These quotes showed who we were individually that made up the senior class and they choose something inappropriate.
I was more than a high school senior, I was more than a band member, more than a athlete, more than a daughter, etc. I am a Christian, and I wanted my senior quote to reflect me. How you talk, present yourself, even how you act reflects on how people see you. Do you present yourself as a Christian or do people think your just another person of the world? If you had to chose a quote what would yours be? When people read it would they laugh because they know that it wasn't who you were at the time? Have you ever heard of the phrase you are what you eat well you are who you present yourself to others. There's no hiding who you really are. Fake it till you make it? People can see right through your fakeness and see the real you! So who is the real you?