If I must be completely honest with you, a lot of my article ideas are birthed from scrolling on Twitter and seeing what tomfoolery my generation has cooked up for the day. For some strange reason I'm okay with that, because I know that when I address certain topics it has the potential to open up someone's mind in my generation in a new way.
Recently and not only on Twitter I have seen many people voicing their opinion or standing up for what they believe or was raised in and it being met with sharp opposition. Being a debate nerd in high school, (and unapologetically so, as it taught me more about the world and life than the other 10 years of school combined did) taught me despite opinions that we may not agree with, we must take them for what they are and realize EVERYONE has different life experiences, values, and morals and for that reason we will have different opinions.
Time and time again as I scroll through twitter I see a Christian say something that doesn't necessarily agree with the status quo, and immediately a "knowledgeable" twitter user will quote the tweet and say something along the lines of "since you're a christian you should know that you shouldn't judge anyone." Said tweet goes on to get thousands of tweets and retweets and I'm left feeling like I'm in the twilight zone and proceed to close out twitter for the night.
Let me be clear as I am a believer and have read in the Bible many times where it tells us not to judge. However, these scriptures are taken out of context time and time again by people who don't even believe in those scriptures. These non believers can quote any of the more notable scriptures such as "Do not judge or you too will be judged" (Matthew 7:1). But how many times can those same non believers quote the remainder of that chapter which will reveal that the passage is directed at hypocrites who have not taken care of the things in their own life first. Verse 5 even says after the plank is taken out of your own eye you can then see clearly to judge others.
Somewhere along the line scripture has been misinterpreted, making for MANY people believing that we should not judge at all. I will go as far to say that if you are a christian you have a moral duty to judge. Psalm 37:30 says "the mouths of the righteous utter wisdom, and their tongues speak what is just." How can we utter wisdom if we can't differentiate/judge what is wise and what is foolish?
In a world that is rapidly growing more and more against believers, be encouraged to hold onto the promises of God and to do his work which very much includes judging.
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." -James 1:2-3