Before you read this, please know this is not a rant or a P.S.A. or anything like that, but more in the pet peeve/please stop area. This isn't meant to step on anyone's toes. That being said, if it does, maybe you should take a moment to think about why. Enjoy.
The human race is filled with different personalities, races and cultures; that's what makes us all unique. Although we are all different, as humans we fall into a stereotype. If a distant intelligent alien (or something that's not human) observed humans, it would see we are needy, caught up in our human technology, quick to get offended, etc.
As a black man, I fall into another stereotype. That stereotype depends on the the individual who comes to the conclusion to create a stereotype. Needless to say, I may not fit in some people's stereotype.
So many times friends and acquaintances (even those who love me) have slandered me without even realizing it. When stereotypes get broken, people speak the first thing that comes to mind:
"You're so white."
Now, this phrase makes me feel different; um, excuse me, should I say thank you? Is that a racial slur, or a compliment? Honestly, I get the idea of the compliment that was so nicely packed for me. Thank you so much for that. I am grateful. The delivery is what I have a slight problem with. Its like you sent your friend a new Xbox One Limited Edition. The only problem is it was put it in a trash bag, instead of a box. You sent it off not UPS or Fedex, but generic snail mail.
You can do better than that. With a compliment of my growth and my accomplishments, I shouldn't have to think in the back of my head the many things I think while I smile awkwardly:
Because I'm getting an education, that makes me white?
Because I speak with enunciation, which makes me white?
Because my pants stay on my waist, instead of below my knees, so that makes me white?
Because I stay true to my word, that makes me white?
Because I don't "Whip and Nae-Nae" at random times throughout my day makes me white?
Because I can be polite makes me white?
Because I choose NOT to listen to rap music that makes me white?
Because you trust me to date your daughter makes me white?
Because my first instinct isn't to hit when I'm upset, makes me white?
Because of my nonexistent criminal background, does that make me white?
Because you can take me out in public, does that make me white?
Interesting. Your compliment almost gave me an identity crisis. Can a black man not do any of those things and still just be a black man? Because I changed your stereotype. That's what makes me white. I wonder what people said to people like Ben Carson, Opera Winfrey, Will Smith, and Aretha Franklin. The successful people who dared to change the stereotype.
Friends, let's take a step forward to erase racial lines (or smudges). Simply put, I appreciate that you find me socially pleasing; I don't appreciate you stripping away my race because I don't fit in what you see it as. For the record, I don't see someone calling me white as offensive, just more of a not right kinda thing.