I must say that hands down Jordan Peele did an incredible job depicting modern day racism. As a white person myself, I often get infuriated when people go of on tangents that surround the topic of "white guilt." I get that way because I feel that for anyone who is white that was born after 1965 should not have guilt, but instead compassion towards every other race.
The fact that we still have racism today baffles me. I will tell you straight up that I am not guilty that America had slaves. You know why? Because I have no clue what it is like to own another American, since I was not born before the Civil War in 1860!
For all of my life, I have only thought of African-Americans to be equal to me. Yet that is only my own moral obligation speaking. What Peele's movie did was depicted that there is modern day racism. In today's society, racism is still being taught by the generation of men and women that live through the 40's, 50's, and 60's at a time where Jim Crow Laws where high in effect.
Think about how much more productive the world will be when children who are born today are growing up in such a diverse nation. They will not have to deal with segregation. They'll grow up to see that, no matter what race you are, you can still become a success in America.
Now going back to Peele's production, the message I got out of the movie was that it was not intended to provide "white guilt," but the movie was intended to say that our nation still does not view everyone as equal. I'm not going to spoil the movie, but the main actor, Chris, does a great job allowing the viewer to become attached to him. Chris symbolizes how young African-Americans are often judged first just because they act or look differently.
One part of the production, viewers can see that, although there are African-Americans in the movie, they seem to act in a "white high class" manner where they talk like they are above you. Well, it seems as if in some ways that is true today. Most wealthy people are very humble; however, there is a good portion of wealthy people who are very entitled. Well if you mix wealth and entitlement, you get people who think they are above everyone, including the law.
That is why this movie is such a great parallel to our current nation's state. When I say there is racism, I mean it goes both ways with minorities and the majority. Yet Get Out shows that although there might be an African=American involved, he or she might not be the one who is committing the crime. Whatever happen to innocent until proven guilty?
In order for our nation to unite again, we must stop labeling each other as a specific race before we identify the person's moralis. In my opinion, your race does not define you, your integrity does. If you haven't seen Jordan Peele's Get Out, then I highly recommend you do. Look out for all the Easter Eggs because once you see the true meaning behind the production, then you'll start to open your eyes.