It troubles me to think how divided OUR nation is.
A week ago, I described AMERICA as a place of freedom and happiness. Where one could, not to be cliché, "change their stars." Since posting my last article, thanks to many social media outlets, our nation has been exposed to some of the more violent acts of police brutality we have ever seen. This is not the first time we have experienced this, and this is not the first time we have been left with so many questions unanswered over a situation out of our control. The difference is, instead of comforting and consoling one another, we are splitting at the seams and allowing the racism and hatred to win. "Black Lives Matter" is very true, but then you have the Texas sniper who was killing white police officers for the movement, Is that not a negative view for your campaign? "Blue Lives Matter" is also true, even though a number of officers act like the law applies to everyone but them and their actions carry no consequences. I cannot wrap my head around why we as "one nation under God" are choosing to separate during these tragic events.
It shouldn’t matter if you are black, white, yellow, blue, purple or any other color, we are all pink on the inside. I do not want to sit and lay out statistics that everyone either already knows, or thinks they know. I just want to try and explain the thoughts of this white guy who lives in the South.
I sympathize.
We have all seen the videos of Police acting with total disregard to human life. It may seem like It is only black men who get harassed, but everyone is a target to the Police. After watching the videos you more than likely had one of two thoughts, "What did that guy do." Or, "This is messed up." It is plain to see that some officers overstep their boundaries. They do things that are questionable and they must make quick decisions in every aspect of their job, everyday. The stress of being a cop has to be enormous. I cannot imagine being nervous about going to work every day, or dealing with people constantly threatening me or cussing me. I feel like we can and should blame these certain officers for their actions and they should face the punishment, but I also believe that the system is failing the man before he is even an officer. Who are the psychologist that are evaluating and clearing these men for duty? If 90% of cops are good, how did the other 10% even get in? I shudder to think about the Dexter Morgan's' of the world that sign up to "serve and protect". I sympathize with the good, upstanding cops that follow the rules and do the job right. They understand that with great power comes great responsibility and the badge gives you the right to police for justice, not abuse the privilege. I understand their job is difficult and if it were easy and worth the pay, everyone would do it. I myself know personally how easy it is to get mixed up in a bad situation when cops encroach on your good time, but it is even easier to comply and do what your told and let them pass thru like a storm.
I am outraged.
As much as I understand how Police officers are on edge and their bullshit meter is full, I cannot condone cold blooded violence. Technology is a hell of a thing, in a matter of hours everyone in the world had seen the video of both events that took place this past week involving cops and black males. I firmly believe that both the Alton Sterling and Philando Castile incidents were a case of a Police officer who was at his tipping point and was already on edge. In both videos you clearly hear the officers are shocked by what they have just done, but they should be. The fact that we let this happen again, and this is not the first time no matter how you look at any of the stories similar to these, is an absolute tragedy. Our justice system is beginning to fail us when patrol men beginning taking on the roll of judge and jury. On the other hand, The way things were handled in Texas is a joke. Immediately going out, shooting up a peace rally to kill whitey is the worst promotion of your cause ever.
If the world ran on the basis of an eye for an eye then everyone would be blind, FACT.
The only thing I took away from that whole situation was that the "Black Lives Matter" movement places black lives above all other humans lives. I love the "All Lives Matter" movement, I involves every AMERICAN, its something everyone can get behind. We as a people have to come together as one and quit trying to outdo one another. I for one hate to see lines being crossed, and sides being chosen when we are all on the same team, we are all AMERICANS.
I hope.
I know this is going to get better. It has to. Together we stand and divided we fall. This is not the time to be turning on ourselves when we have so much drama going on overseas, and with the election coming up. If we could just realize that there is an issue in the justice system, and it's not that every cop is bad and every black guy is a criminal. The fact is, some of these guys are not mentally stable enough to handle certain situations, both cops and criminals. I didn’t want to bring a lot of controversial stats and have this article miss the point entirely, I just wanted to share what was going through our mind.