Is This White Lady In An Oversized Sweater Depressed Or Just Cold? | The Odyssey Online
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Is This White Lady In An Oversized Sweater Depressed Or Just Cold?

It's really hard to tell!

Is This White Lady In An Oversized Sweater Depressed Or Just Cold?

Everyone knows that the only people who suffer from depression are thin, pretty, white women. You can usually tell if a thin, pretty white woman is depressed by looking at her. Is she wearing an oversized sweater? Is she looking out a window? If so, then the thin, pretty white lady is most likely suffering from depression. But, wait... What happens if the woman you see is wearing an oversized sweater and looking forlorn, but she doesn't actually have depression? How can you tell?

Below, I have provided you with a short exercise to help you practice differentiating thin, pretty white women with depression from the ones without depression. Because, you know, it's totally your business.

1. Crangelina

Crangelina actually is just wondering where the hell her heater repairwoman is. Her apartment is so cold. Try again.

2. Kerryghynnleeigh

Kerryghynleeigh suffers from depression. She should talk to her doctor.

3. Pants

Pants also suffers from depression. She should take her daily medicine prescribed by her doctor.

4. Tyrannosaurus Betty

T-Betts is just a little disgruntled because she's blurry. Also, she's freezing. Notice the oversized sweater? Try again.

5. Pahtryshahlyn

Pahtryshahlyn isn't depressed. She doesn't know where she left that quinoa, but she's trying her best to remember while suffering the intense frigidity of her apartment. Try again.

6. Whoops, I think this is another photo of Pahtryshahlyn

Pahtryshahlyn 2.0 actually does have depression. Unlike the fact that I accidentally chose two photos of the same girl, depression is no laughing matter.

Her case of depression started long ago when she realized that the media never portrays people with depression as people of color, so a lot of her friends often go undiagnosed.

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