Make sure to go get Starbucks; know when pumpkin spice latte season is; Instagram the s*** out of everything; buy Uggs every winter but wear them every in summer; know all the lines to "Mean Girls" and "Pitch Perfect" by heart; Like this weather right now, I literally can’t even; date a guy, get a boyfriend, date another guy, get another boyfriend, date another guy and another guy; just date; go to Lake Geneva every summer; take Snapchats of the entire trip; filters are your specialty; go to college and make sure you get into that sorority; You have a friend who is black? Wait, you have a few???; purse your lips and squat for pictures and point at the camera; one,two, thr-...WAIT!; *cue flipping of hair and aching of back*; wear makeup; wear makeup that makes you look like you’re not wearing makeup; wear makeup for black and brown girls as contour; What’s the name of your Spanish friend again?; your blonde hair will get you places and into places; braid your hair into boxer braids, braid your hair into cornrows because Kylie Jenner did; Halloween time is sexy time and your chance to dress up like a chola; Wait, do you actually know what cultural appropriation is?; don’t act basic while looking basic; live in the suburbs, the Metra is your only means of transportation; You're white so you don’t really have a culture. I mean you’re Italian, but still you’re white; you’re privileged, recognize your privilege; Trust me I completely understand my privilege, but I’m also a girl...make sure to look cute but not too cute; you’re still privileged...kind of, not really, but you’re still white; pierce your cartilage; get that arrow tattoo that you saw on Pinterest; wear everything PINK, even though it’s not actually pink; You’re a size 14? No way, you so are not; yoga pants, yoga pants, yoga pants; make sure to forget your sunscreen when you go to the beach; Drake is the only rapper you know thanks to "Degrassi"; Oh my god, let’s go to Chinatown, it’s so ethnic; North Face fleeces; be obsessed with Vera Bradley and Vineyard Vines; “literally” is your favorite word; Like I literally say it like literally all the time; “like” is your second favorite word; you wish you were one of Taylor Swift’s best friends, but not really because she’s been getting really annoying lately and Calvin Harris is “bae”; Why can you say the “N” word, but I can’t?; go to all music festivals but only go for the EDM stage to get “turnt”; You seriously want to go see Paul McCartney? He wrote that one song, right?; wear that flower crown like a “boss ass b*tch”; high top white converse ALL THE TIME; use the term “ghetto” loosely; feel intimidated when a person of color walks down the sidewalk outside your fenced in house; beware of the “black hallway” and “hispanic hallway” in high school; when referring to Latinos or Latinas, saying Mexican or Spanish is easier; I don’t mean to sound racist, but…; you tell everyone you wish Bernie Sanders was your grandpa; buy a Polaroid camera from Urban Outfitters; your mom loves Kohls and you secretly love it, too; abuse #blessed; love everything naked: Naked juice, the Naked palette by Urban Decay...but if you don’t look like Gigi Hadid, forget about actually getting naked...
Politics and ActivismOct 04, 2016
White Girl: A Poem
What you should expect to hear or be said, all taken from my experience of being a white girl.