Sometimes, it’s really hard to like things and people, as a feminist. most feminists understand that —— movies you used to love, now you watch and pick out the racist, sexist, ableist nonsense that they were. In this new culture we’ve created, we’re all about holding people accountable for their harmful words and actions, but most people tend to forget about white feminists.
White feminism is defined as “Defining empowerment of women in terms of western privilege and ideals.” Usually, it comes with cisexism and TONS of cultural appropriation or just straight up racism. There’s a lot of white people that are others' faves, but definitely white feminists.
1. Miley Cyrus
SEE ALSO: 6 Movies You Must Watch If You Consider Yourself A Feminist
2. Amy Schumer
Everyone loves Amy Schumer for becoming a successful female comedian, which is referred to as a man's trade to many people. And while Amy Schumer helped prove the gender gap one successful comedian wrong, she did it the wrong way. From "parodying" Beyonce's Formation video to her stand up specials being littered with offensive jokes. Seriously. Pick one and watch it and you'll probably find something racist, whether it be "I used to date Hispanic guys, but now I prefer consensual." or her twitter account, where she tweets, then promptly after, deletes "how would you know? Statistically, who is hollerin' at you in the street more pa?" in response to being called out for addressing street harassment by men of color only.
3. Lena Dunham
Just like Amy, everyone loves to credit Dunham with being a successful female in comedy, but Lena Dunham is incredibly problematic and it's incredibly ignored. To start, she wrote deplorable quotes in what seems like a journal entry recounting her trip to Japan (including this: "Yellowish Fever I know I said I could never imagine a Japanese affair, but I've changed my mind." and much more). She also posted this photo of herself with a crass caption depicting unsurprising Islamophobia. Actually, managing to not publish offensive tweets definitely seems to a be a recurring problem for her.
The moral of the story is, your white faves are ultimately hindering the feminist movement. While they tackle some feminist issues, they don't tackle --- and often perpetuate through their "jokes" and actions --- racism, ableism, classism, etc. It's important that they are held accountable for their actions and aren't excused because of the other work that they do. I didn't even include everything these three people have done, let alone all that white feminists have done to create a divide and regressive consequences in feminism. Be careful who you support on your journey into feminism because it really does matter. From Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to Zooey Deschanel, the white feminism is real, and white people are letting other white people get away with way too much shit these days.