Yes, I am a white female. But I am not...
1. I am not better than you.
I am not better than you because of the color of my skin. If anything successful happens in my life, it is because of hard work and dedication, not because I am white.
2. I am not worse than you.
I am not worse off than you because of my ethnicity. If I am worse off compared to someone, that means I did something to make it that way. It is my actions that defines my destiny, not my skin color.
3. I am not entitled.
Nobody is entitled to anything. We gain what we deserve because of our own actions and reactions. My skin color does not give me entitlement.
4. I am not deprived.
I am not deprived because I am white. If I am deprived of something, it is not because of my race, it is because I did something to make it that way. Deprivation is internal, not external.
5. I am not racist.
Being a white female does not make me racist. People who are racist are that way because of how they were raised or because of their opinions I am not racist and that shouldn't be assumed because of my race.
6. I am not succumbed to "white privilege."
I do not think my race means that I am privileged. I know what white-privileged means, and am educated on the subject, but just because I'm white doesn't mean I have succumbed to white privilege.
7. I am not a pawn.
I am not a pawn. I am not to be targeted for my race. My race does not define me, my actions define me.