To whichever white american this may concern,
I'mma make this short because its 2017 and I really didn't plan on dealing with y'all' this year. I understand. You all may have spoiled yourselves . . . ya' know with all of the privilege you all have been awarding yourselves since the beginning of the exploitation of the BLACK race. I get it! Nevertheless, your whining about violence that YOU initiated with an enemy that YOU created has become quite !@#%ING ANNOYING! I do not condone HATE CRIMEScommitted by ANY PERSON OR GROUP. Granted, right is right and wrong is wrong, but how dare white-america have the audacity to comment on cruelty and crime? Is the victim from the hate crime committed by Chicago teens traumatized? He may be. By all means, I am not decrying his pain . . . even if I was doing so, it would not matter because he is already comforted by white-america's deepest, deepest sympathies. white america has been CRUEL, HATEFUL, and committing the crime of MURDERING BLACK men, women, and CHILDREN for over 300 years now.
This is not an attempt to go tic for tac but understand this: Although what was done to him was WRONG, your white man lived! He still has his life! Our BLACK boys, girls, men, and women ARE GONE! They were brutally murdered! THEIR FAMILIES are TRAUMATIZED. WHERE was white-america's outcry when Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Philando Castile, and Terrence Crutcher were brutally slaughtered? When american streets are being stained with the BLOOD of BLACK boys and men? Again, this is not me saying "an eye for an eye," this is me challenging you all. I challenge you to extend that same compassion to the next BLACK man or boy that is shot simply because of the color of his skin. If you rather remain a spoiled little brat and not share your compassion, SHUT THE HELL UP . . . because at that point you yourself would have just committed a HATE CRIME!