In the spirit of the the season, the Sanderson sisters are everyone's favorite witches. For this quiz, give yourself 15 points for A, 10 points for B, and 5 points for C.
1. What is your favorite hobby?
A. Reading
B. Singing
C. Cooking
2. What is your sense of humor like?
A. Very sarcastic
B. I laugh at everything
C. Honestly kind of dry humor
3. Do you enjoy other people's pain?
A. Especially when they deserve it
B. Yes, I'm not very empathetic and I'm pretty cynical
C. Ehhhh sure?
4. Which of these is your favorite color?
A. Green
B. Purple
C. Red
5. What is your relationship history?
A. I have been in a serious relationship and have been very hurt
B. I've had lots of relationships and like to have fun
C. Haven't had much experience
6. Are you the...
A. Oldest child
B. Youngest child
C. Middle child
7. What are you most like?
A. Dramatic, selfish, vain, temperamental
B. Playful, hyper, kind of in my own world
C. Caring, observant, clever
8. Are you...
A. A leader
B. In my own world
C. People pleaser
40-65 Points: Mary
You can blend in to the background sometimes but are happy there. You have a calming effect on those around you and are pretty reliable and clever, but also rely on those around you a lot.
Strengths: Easy to get along with, caring, smart
70- 95 Points: Sarah
Your head is pretty far from reality, but you have fun in your own little world. You are pretty playful and have a hard time being serious.
Strengths: Humor, flirty, fun
100-120 Points: Winnie
You're a natural born leader and pretty cynical. You have been through a lot in your life and though you've maintained a sense of humor, you are sarcastic and can be pretty selfish.
Strengths: Leadership, determination, humor