Which of the Twelve Days of Christmas Are You?
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Which of the Twelve Days of Christmas Are You?

Find out how you relate into one of the most over the top Christmas classics of all time.

Which of the Twelve Days of Christmas Are You?

"The Twelve Days Of Christmas" is one of the classic Christmas carols we have grown up hearing and singing. I could sing all the words to this song by the time I was three. This song sets unrealistic relationship goals (like most things in our media). I mean think about it - according to Time Magazine, in 2014, the twelve days of Christmas would have cost $27,673.22. That seems highly unrealistic, which makes the song not as personable as some of the other classic Christmas songs (Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You speaks to all of our souls).

So I decided to make the Twelve Days Of Christmas more personable for us all. So sit back, drink some Peppermint Hot Chocolate, keep on reading, and decide for yourself which of the twelve days of Christmas best fits your personality.

1) "A Partridge In A Pear-Tree"

This gift best fits the kind of people who would have one large gift rather than a bunch of small gifts. This person usually is fine with being alone and most likely an introvert. The "partridge in a pear-tree" kind of people are independent and self-sufficient.

2) "Two Turtledoves"

The turtledoves kind of people are usually like that couple that somehow always manages to be together. The "turtledove" kind of people could also be those two best friends that never seem to be without each other. Usually, these kind of people put a front around most people but when they are around their "turtledove," they act like their natural selves. They have simple tastes, and it does not take a lot to make a turtledove happy. I usually think of Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt from Parks and Rec, or even Leslie and Ann because they somehow always seem to be around each other, but never get tired of each other.

3) "Three French Hens"

The three french hens are the the three friends (most likely girls) who gossip about everything ranging from "why would she wear that" or the latest breakup occurring among their peers. The "Three French Hen" kind of girls are very girly and stay up-to-date in the latest gossip, trends, style, and entertainment news, and are always looking for the next social event. I always think of Kelly Kapowski, Lisa Turtle, and Jessie Spano.

4) "Four Calling Birds"

The "Four Calling Birds" are the people who like to talk a lot. Similar to the "Three French Hens," but the "calling birds" are probably more opinionated. These kind of people call out their opinions and make their voice heard. The calling birds are people who like to be in a group, are probably more extroverted, and get their energy from their fellow birds.

5) "Five Golden Rings"

These are the overachievers. I mean, come on, they're literally golden. These are the people that do the most and are probably considered to be a little extra, but are deeply admired and looked up to by others. They always stick to their squad and always have their friends' interest at heart.

6) "Six Geese A-Laying"

These kind of people are the ones who are the "Moms" of their friend group. They are always keeping close to their "children" and are constantly keeping an eye on them and taking care of their loved ones.

7) "Seven Swans A Swimming"

The Swans are usually a member of a team, usually sports, and their entire life is this sport. Their team is not only filled of teammates, but of friends who feel like family as well. The Swans are hardworking, determined and work well with others.

8) "Eight Maids A-Milking"

These are usually girls who are usually quiet, humble and hardworking. People often overlook them due to their meekness, but in the end they do so much that is unseen and crucial to helping others. I always think of Belle from Beauty And The Beast.

9) "Nine Ladies Dancing"

These are the girls who love to have a good time. Their weekends are usually spent out on the town. On the weekdays these girls can been at Zumba class or at Starbucks catching up on gossip from their friends. They stick with their squad of girls and will do anything for their girls.

10) "Ten Lords A Leaping"

The Lords kind of people are those who are really excited about life and have lots of friends. They live life to the fullest and are constantly excited about what's going on this weekend (or just about anything).

11) "Eleven Pipers Piping"

The Pipers are an artistic kind and who love the art they create. Whether they're actors in a play or a band kid playing their instruments, the pipers love to show off their talent. The Pipers are talented and enjoyable to be around. The Pipers also love to stick to those who share their artistic talent and make great friends.

12) "Twelve Drummers Drumming"

The drummers of the world usually are independent and march to the beat of their own drum. They stick close to those who share common viewpoints and interests. They are not afraid to be themselves, and are bold and strong in what they believe.

Now that you have read all of them, you can pick one you find that you related to the most - and then every time you hear 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' you can say to your friends "Oh yeah, that day, that day is me..."

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