With nooks, kindles and iPads becoming so popular paper books and electronic books are constantly being debated amongst avid readers. The paper back fans say its the feeling of the book, turning the pages and the smell that keep them in the book stores. On the other hand electronic book readers say its convenient, easy to carry and can be read anywhere, that keeps their eyes on their nooks. I have done both. I got an iPad mini about three years ago, and there are over 40 books downloaded onto it, all of which I have read. However, there are shelves in both my room at home and my dorm room filled with over 60 books (I counted for the purposed of this article, and my pride), that have not all been read. I read a lot, and I have an opinion just like everyone else.
Electronic Books
They are VERY convenient. They fit almost every where, and they're light weight. If I finish a book in the middle of vacation I don't have to wait until I get home to start another one. There are literally a million others at my finger tips. You can really read them at anytime. Dark car rides being my favorite! However I disagree when electronic book fans say that you can read them anywhere. I cherish the time and effort that I spent making the money to buy my iPad. I am not going to risk losing it or damaging it to read (unless the book is REALLY good) and I refuse to read on my iPad in the bathtub. I really like reading in the bathtub. Electronic books do have the ability to highlight and take notes in them. They are really convenient when writing a paper because you can just search for the quote you're looking for. Also, we can never ignore the fact that we're saving trees. All in all if you're a person that enjoys convince and millions of books at your finger tips, electronic books may be for you.
Paper Books
I'm going to go ahead and warn y'all, most of the time I'm on this team. I love books. I love how they feel, how they smell and how I can use a highlighter or a pen in them. I don't like electronic notes. I prefer to have a pen or have to ask the barista at Starbucks for one. While electronic book fans will tell you that books are heavy and inconvenient, I have found a small solution. When I'm buying a purse, if it won't fit at least one average sized book in it I won't buy the purse. Books are my lifeline and I promise that you will never catch me without one in my purse. The heavy thing I can't do much about. I just deal with it. There is just something about walking into a book store and being literally surrounded by the words of other people. And that smell! Can somebody make a candle already? The thought of not being able to walk into my favorite book store in a few years breaks my heart. I love that they're tangible. They're not just up in the cloud existing. While I use both options, paper books have my heart. If you're a person who enjoys flipping pages and book smell paper books are for you.
No matter how you read, what actually matters is that you read. Books are such beautiful things wether they're electronic or paper. If you love reading, do it. Do it every day, every second that you can. You're world will expand and you're love for that world will increase. There is nothing better than a good book that changes you're life. The argument between electronic books and paper books will continue until one of them no longer exists. As humans of a world that is quickly becoming completely electronic, we need to make sure that we never forget the importance of a Shakespearean play or Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. Changing lives with a book is more important than the way the book is read.