Which Icon is Worthy of Standing Alongside Lady Gaga?
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Which Icon is Worthy of Standing Alongside Lady Gaga?

There can only be one. Who will it be?

Which Icon is Worthy of Standing Alongside Lady Gaga?

Now we all know the super bowl is coming up (fun parties, the best teams, hilarious commercials and all). But let's be honest, the second most watched program at the super bowl is the half-time show. And in case you haven't heard, Lady Gaga will be lighting up the place. Yes! You heard it right. I don't know about you guys, but I've been waiting years for this. It also been announced that there will be one (at least; who's to say Gaga isn't just keeping more stuff under wraps and merely teasing us with a slice of information?) guest performing with her. Now we can all come up with a ton of people, when combined with Lady Gaga's star power, they'll shut off the lights in the entire stadium this year.

1. Britney Spears

The "Slumber Party" singer would be a perfect partner for the marvelous Mother Monster on the biggest stage in the nation. Though she has a history with lip-syncing, it would simply be an empowering picture to simply imagine let alone see, don't you think?

2. P!NK

Let's be honest: P!nk is probably one of the classiest women out there. A badass mom (as well as comedic), raw talent, and a "swinging on things all the dang tie" connoisseur. Just imagine the possibilities that could come to life if her voice were to grasp the hands of Gaga's. A supernova of beauty, if you were to ask me.

3. The Chainsmokers

The Chainsmokers...where do I even begin. If there's one thing Lady Gaga and the "Roses" artists have in common, it's that they established anthems. For Lady Gaga, it was "Born This Way." Whereas for The Chainsmokers, it was "Closer"; speaking of a rekindled high school romance between two people after graduating from college. With this power already achieved by both parties, it would be a magnificent sight to experience as they both takeover the nation with a fun and positive outburst of feels.

4. Ariana Grande

She has indeed come a long way since the hit TV-show, "Victorious." Her powerful performance talent as well as remarkably versatile voice would definitely provide her and Gaga with the spectacular opportunity to harmonize (or melodize!). With the reputation she's built for herself, this dangerous woman is a pretty good candidate to bathe in the biggest spotlight ever made alongside Lady Gaga.

5. Madonna

Because why not, am I right? I mean...she's Madonna. Enough said.

6. Rihanna

The singer notorious for "Umbrella" has been thriving with her growing fan-base. Her unique singing style could potentially add a ton of character to her performance with Lady Gaga. If only this could be a reality. *sigh*

7. Jessie J

Both Jessie J and Lady Gaga have been notorious for activism for anti-bullying projects. If Lady Gaga were to have a duet in BTW, it should be with the one and only Jessie J. Her style of singing implies a sense of vulnerability. Invoking this element could in-hand potentially invoke a possible twist in the style the song is traditionally sung...perhaps a soulful perspective as opposed to the traditional pop/rock version?

8. Beyoncé

And of course how can we forget the Queen B? 2-time Super Bowl performer is bound to make another return the NFL kingdom. Who's to say it can't be this year? With her history of having two collaborations with Lady Gaga, there is truly something EPIC in store if Queen B is the one to rule the nation with Gaga. If history serves well, both Lady Gaga and Beyoncé are notorious for dramatic entrances. Lady Gaga and her giant egg. Beyoncé and her enflamed silhouette in the 2013 Super Bowl as well as the Michael-Bay-esque opening in last year's Super Bowl. What's in store if B joins Gaga on the biggest stage in the nation?
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