If America's Politicians Were 'Game Of Thrones' Characters | The Odyssey Online
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If America's Politicians Were 'Game Of Thrones' Characters

You know what they say, when you play the game of thrones.

If America's Politicians Were 'Game Of Thrones' Characters

Just so everyone is on the same page here, there is no methodology or science that went into how I chose these characters and their real life representatives. That being said, many of these "Game Of Thrones" characters won’t correlate 100 percent with their designated politician, because you know, "GOT" is fictional. As a side note, I tried not to get too political with my choices, so I added a little good and bad. On wards!

1. Grand Maester Pycelle -- House Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

I honestly love this comparison, mostly because they both look like remnants of the Jurassic era. McConnell and Pycelle have a tendency to believe that their seniority within their government affords them special privileges and that their opinions / suggestions trump those of juniors or outsiders. McConnell seems to hold an aura of desperatism about him as he continually works to block President Obama from nominating a new Supreme Court Justice, it echoes Pycelle’s feeble attempts to hold onto his position as Grand Maester despite the shifting political climate.

2. Tyrion Lannister -- Bill Clinton

Throughout their political careers, Tyrion and Bill have shown that they got that Midas touch when it comes to persuading people, but as Tyrion demonstrated on the Battle of the Blackwater and Bill Clinton showed in his abolition of “don’t ask, don’t tell” for LGBT folks in the military both men aren’t afraid to fight when needed. They also have a certain fondness for the ladies.

3. Jon Snow -- President Barack Obama

Both Jon and Obama have had to deal with a lot of crap during their time as leaders of their respective regions. Not an episode goes by where Jon is reminded that he’s a bastard, and similarly Obama must constantly deal with the racial remarks and the weirdly obsessive troll-people who believe he wasn’t legally born in the U.S. Both have also had their immigration policies rejected despite impending war and mayhem from across their respective borders.

4. Sansa Stark -- Hillary Clinton

Sansa and Hillary have both been subjected to the “game of thrones.” Conspiring statesmen / women, shady scandals and name-calling, you name it they’ve been through it. But as the game shifts in and out of their favor, both women have been able to survive it all through their intellect and cynicism.

5. Arya Stark -- Elizabeth Warren

Sen. Elizabeth Warren might have a little more in common with Arya Stark than you think. Besides being from the frigid North, both women are aiming to make the world a little more right. Warren by calling out corrupt legislators, while Arya has definitely taken a more stabby approach. Within their world’s, they both taken the mantle of female power and defiance against the attitude “that’s just the way things are.”

6. High Sparrow -- Donald Trump

Although the High Sparrow has left us this season, it’s almost eerie how similar the number of things he had in common with the presumptive Republican nominee. For one thing, the High Sparrow claims that he used to be an wealthy businessman who has reformed his old ways to in order to bring justice to the realm. Donald Trump says something similar, he’s the outsider businessman, untainted by politics declaring he can return the U.S. to it’s former glory. Their respective establishments abhor them, but despite this, their outlandish discourse tends to gain recognition and a massive wave of followers.

7. Daenerys Targaryen -- Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders and Daenerys Targaryen have everything in common except gender and dragons. Their rhetoric focuses on taking power away from the top one percent and giving it back to the people. They succeed in breaking the mold for how the government should operate, and work from the inside to reform and repair. Most importantly, Dany and Bernie have perpetuated a movement that has reignited the passion of the people and a desire to move their fellow citizens toward positive change. Plus, c’mon, “Feel the Bern”!

8. Bran Stark -- Justin Trudeau

OK, yeah, it is a bit odd that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made the list as Bran Stark, but hear me out! Both Bran and Justin are essentially outsiders to the hot political mess to the south of them. Justin, also like Bran, seems to be able to learn from the past failures of his country, just like Bran is able to observe the past and learn about the truth behind Jon Snow’s heritage.

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