The six friends on the show “Friends” have very diverse personalities, which makes them an amazing group of people. Everyone can relate to at least one of the characters. They show that no one has to be perfect all the time and in your worst moments, all you really need is a friend to perk you up. All of the "Friends" characters deal with stress differently, and one of them might remind you of you during finals week. Which friend are you?
You're A Rachel
Rachel during finals most likely turned to retail therapy-- if that’s your coping solution, you and Rachel could definitely suffer together during finals. There may also be a few emotional breakdowns and crying until you spend too much money on Amazon Prime. The two-day shipping is just so tempting. You are a princess and very vocally complain about how stressed you and how much you have to do. If spending money you probably don’t have in the most stressful part of the year is the best way to cheer yourself up, you’re probably a Rachel.
You're A Ross
If you’re a Ross, you’re definitely a total nerd during finals week. Yes, we all become pretty busy and spent time cramming in libraries. But if you’re a Ross, you also like to narrate your nerdiness to your friends until they’re begging you to shut up about paleontology. Knowledge is the most comforting thing to you during finals week, specifically sharing all that you’ve learned that quarter with anyone who will listen (and some people that really don’t want to). You probably have demonstrations all planned out for unsuspecting bystanders. Being a total nerd makes you feel totally cool. Go you!
You're A Monica
If you’re a Monica, repetitive and mindless tasks soothe your stress. Whether it’s cleaning your room until it practically sparkles or rearranging your entire closet, spending time making your life perfectly organized makes you feel like you can conquer any final. If you alphabetize and color code your notes, you and Monica would probably get along pretty well.
You're A Chandler
To diffuse any tension you feel during finals, you make lame jokes and puns and just genuinely act awkward. To try and get your friends to relax, you’ll probably tell a knock-knock joke that has them rolling their eyes. You get distracted by memes on Facebook when you’re supposed to be studying and tag all your friends in posts about college student struggles that are “so me right now.” You and Chandler would probably spend all day trying to out-do each other in cheesy jokes that secretly make your friends smile.
You're A Phoebe
You don’t let anything get you down during finals. No matter what times your finals are or how unprepared you feel, you keep playing music and maintain a happy smile. You are the rock for your friends and manage to keep a positive attitude. You refuse to let your friends wallow after a final and always find a fun activity or just use your general infectious joy to help everyone back on their feet. Nothing is impossible as long as you keep your chin up and strum on your guitar!
You're A Joey
If you’re a Joey, you manage to keep having fun and flirting even in the midst of student cramming. Sleep deprivation and caffeine highs won’t stop you from winking at the cute girl who’s sitting at the library with you or batting your eyelashes at the attractive guy who’s in your study group. You can dazzle any heart, even when you should probably be learning all the material you neglected all quarter. You're prone to stress eating, maybe even an entire pizza, but you don't care because food is the best part of life. Be warned though, hitting on your professor for a good grade isn’t as foolproof as hitting the books.
And if you find yourself reading this list and don’t feel any friend completely represents you, that’s perfectly okay. Maybe you’re a mix of a Joey and a Phoebe, or a Rachel and a Chandler. Or maybe you’re a whole new friend that is coping with the chaos of last minute studying in a different way. If you have any successful strategies, go ahead and share them with the world. We’re all just trying to get through this week without getting distracted by Netflix.