While staying with my younger cousins this weekend I was introduced to a lovely "Pixar knock-off" according to my sister. It was a heartwarming tale called Turtle Tales 2. The storyline was fairly standard for a kids movie with the adults bweing seperated from the kids and having to overcome great adversity to be reunited. But the really great thing was all the interesting fish in the movie.
It was fantastic how these fish were animated because they were so utterly off. There was Jimbo the fish with his teeth and tongue and still oddly human face.
The turtles were a little better with more facial features then they should have but still realistic. But the little ones did have something off with their overly big heads.
But my favorite part was the hyper-realistic baracuda villian. He was terrifying in the way that he was the only plausible fish in the movie. Still the turtles make it out in the end and all is well, so not a complete bust.