One of these days you're gonna wake up and realize that your roommate is actually straight out of one of your favorite kid's movies. Or maybe you are...
1. Jasmine
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She's exotic and mysterious, daughter of a Sultan, I mean, rich businessman. She doesn't try to flaunt Daddy's money even though she literally owns a pet tiger and always has the new Chanel, but that's OK because like the rest of the women on this list you still love her. Or maybe you don't, I don't know.
2. Cinderella
She's a little scatterbrained, sometimes running out the door with mismatched socks (that she probably sewed herself) or without a shoe. But she keeps her side of the room surprisingly spotless. Come to think of it, she cleans your side of the room too despite the fact that you tell her she doesn't have to. Is she a neat freak or is she the designated maid at home?
3. Ariel
Unlike Cinderella, she's a subtle hoarder. Every free item you got during welcome week is in a pile somewhere on her desk or in her closet (look at this stuff, isn't it neat?). And when it's cold, she's rarely wearing much clothing until you tell her to put down those thingamabobs and find a sweater!
4. Belle
You ask her every weekend if she wants to go out but always find her head buried in textbooks or novels. She's shy but constantly assuring you that she can "fix" any guys she sees, no matter how dangerous or beastly he is. Be warned, that might be something of fairy tales.
5. Snow White
Her squad consists of all the frat boys on the floor. She hangs with them, studies with them, and is just like one of the guys. Could it be because she's also the girl who volunteers to do their laundry and clean their rooms? High-ho, honey, one day your prince will come!
6. Aurora
She's always sleeping. Day or night, this girl's taking a nap. You'll be ready to go out, grab lunch, or hit the gym and you turn around and she's out like a light. She sleeps so much, you're not sure why she's ever tired! Wake up, sleeping beauty... grab a Starbucks and let's go!
7. Rapunzel
She's so beautiful that every girl wants to have what she's got -- her style, smile, and especially her infamous hair. She brushes it so often that you've started finding it in all your stuff. And she's awestruck with everything about college and life. Where has she been living? Under a rock? In a tower?
8. Pocahontas
She's all about that "green" life and hates it when you try to make her eat any processed junk food. Now that the weather's warmer, she's started asking you to go on hikes with her because she wants to enjoy the outdoors, all the colors of the wind. But let's be real -- you barely see the colors of the gym.
9. Mulan
Her family name has a reputation at your school, and she's always talking about making her family proud. She joined every intramural floor team and can kick any of your guy friends' butt in basketball, soccer, or climbing! As for you? She'll get down to business and make an athlete out of you one of these days, don't worry.
10. Anna
She's always going a million miles an hour that you can barely keep up! And her taste in men? Let's just say that she thinks every frat boy or Tinder swipe is her one true love. She's picking out bathroom tiles for her future home before the second date is over. Slow down sweetheart, love isn't always an open door.
No matter what, we love our princesses, I mean, roommates. They're special in their own way and that's what makes them one-of-a-kind! I guess we're just happy to be a part of their fairy tale lives...