Which Day of the Week Are You? | The Odyssey Online
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Which Day of the Week Are You?

I like to think I’m a Friday, but as long as I’m not a Monday I’m good.

Which Day of the Week Are You?

When I saw the meme above, it got me thinking about what personalities other days of the week would have if they were people. Which day best represents you?

Monday: Teacher’s Pet
If Monday were a person, it would be a know-it-all teacher’s pet; the type who reminds the teacher that she forgot to assign homework. If I had a dollar for every time someone complained about Monday, I could probably pay for my college tuition. Don’t be a Monday. No one likes Monday. 

Tuesday: The Forgotten One

Tuesday is the person whom you’ve re-met three or four times because you NEVER remember meeting them. A Tuesday usually asks questions like, “Do you remember my name?” and gets pouty and upset when you don’t. Cheer up Tuesday, at least you’re not Monday. 

Wednesday: Finishing Its Awkward Phase
After years of braces, acne, and baby fat, Wednesday is finally breaking out of its cocoon on hump day and emerging as a beautiful butterfly in the days to follow. A Wednesday person generally has a "glass half full" attitude, but can be cynical at times when they've had a rough start to their week. 

Thursday: The Tease
Thursday is the smooth talking tease. The scandalously dressed hot girl who will flirt with you at the bar and get you to buy her drinks, but will rarely go home with you. If she does, you’re not going further than second base. Thursday can also be the cute guy who took you on a date once, but now only texts you late at night to “hangout.” He used to be nice but he’s not anymore, just like the feeling of going out on a Thursday and having to go to class hungover on Friday.     

Friday: The Optimistic, Happy, Hard-Working Person
I can't think of anyone who doesn't like Friday; it's the saving grace of the week. A Friday frequently says things like “look on the bright side,” and has probably posted an instagram selfie with a caption like, “A day without laughter is a day wasted” or something else about smiling and happiness. Friday is spontaneous, loves to try new things, and is extremely #blessed. 

Saturday: The Tailgate Bro or Party Girl
If you’re a Saturday, you probably don’t need me to tell you this, because you already know. You’re the person in your friend group who everyone can count on when they need someone to go out with. You’re always up for a good time, and probably experience fairly high levels of FOMO (fear of missing out) on the rare nights you aren’t able to rally. You’re on a first name basis with the bouncers and bartenders at your favorite bar, you can outdrink the majority of your friends, and you’re always very lively at football games (if you can make it through the tailgate). A Saturday generally procrastinates and leaves all of their homework until mid-Sunday.     

Sunday: Religious or Spiritual Hipster
If Sunday was a religion it would be a Christian. While some people are sleeping off their hangovers, Sunday has already done her hair and makeup, been to church, and gone to brunch with her family or church friends. After brunch, Sunday changes into comfy clothes and drives to a nearby coffee shop to purchase a $5 latte and do her homework for a few hours while listening to soothing alternative music. However, while Sunday during the day is relaxing, Sunday night is like the obnoxious little brother or sister who says “I’m not poking you,” even though their finger is 1/10th of an inch away from your face. That betch, Monday is almost back again and she’s so close you can almost feel it.

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