In today's society, I have found that there is too much emphasis put on the need to go to college, and not enough on developing the proper work ethics to become successful.
Although college is a great way to further one's education, often times it is not ideal for everyone. In many high school's across the country, administration is pushing college on students to keep the prestige of their school in check. While college is a good fit for everyone, it is not something that is a "one-size fits all" mentality that can be applied to everyone. In fact, there are many individuals out there who would much rather pursue a trade, and there is nothing wrong with them getting trade experience rather than a traditional college experience. These kids should be prided on the fact that they know exactly what they want to do and are determined to do all that they can to ensure that they are the best at it as they can be. I have found that many of my fellow classmates have struggled in college, and this usually is not because they are not unintelligent or incapable but more often than not it is because they have lost interest in those areas and find that trades fulfill their ideas of success much better than a college education will.
I have also found that students in my old high school have become increasingly more lazy. With the addition of technology and information at their fingertips, they have begun to turn to these devices for answers rather than their own brains. They are not praised for good work ethics, but rather are seen as successful students only when they achieve an A in a class. These kids are not being properly prepared for the real world where failures occur and technology cannot be used to solve every crisis that comes their way.