Even though I consider myself a pretty organized person, there always seems to be the same few things I always lose and can't seem to find.
1. Bobby pins
First thing I know, there in my hair. Then, they're nowhere to be found.
2. Hair elastics
Maybe the bobby pins took them.
3. Lip balm
I somehow manage to put them all in places I cannot recall.
4. Socks
I'm still convinced there's a sock monster that eats them at some point between the washer and the dryer.
5. My cellphone
I seem to always lose it, even if it's only for a couple minutes. Just a minor panic.
6. My keys
Why is it that when I'm running late, my keys aren't by my door??
7. Earings
Why I don't deserve nice things.
8. Headphones
If I haven't broken them, I can't locate them.
9. Phone charger
How do I have 5 then none??
10. Wallet
I need to keep a better eye on it,